Jumin Bad Relationship Ending 1 Walkthrough

Jumin Bad Relationship Ending 1 Walkthrough Like all the other main characters there are 3 bad story endings in Jumin s route and 2 bad relationship endings if the player fails to get enough hearts by the various game branches within his route

1 Tips to get his route 2 Tips to avoid bad endings 2 1 Bad Story Ending 1 day 5 7 2 2 Bad Story Ending 2 day 7 8 2 3 Bad Story Ending 3 day 8 10 2 4 Bad Relationship Ending 1 2 day 7 and 10 3 Tips to obtain bad endings 3 1 Bad Relationship Ending 1 3 2 Bad Relationship Ending 2 4 Bad Jumin and After Tips Tips to get his route Overall we suggest trying to be active about half the time This will place you a comfortable distance above the 30 percent threshold To get the good and normal Jumin route you will need to pick answers that show concern for Jumin Below you can see the basic dos and don ts of getting Jumin s good ending Dos

Jumin Bad Relationship Ending 1 Walkthrough


Jumin Bad Relationship Ending 1 Walkthrough


Jumin s Bad Ending Dlc Spoiler Jumin Han Mystic Messenger Victim Quotes Saeyoung Choi Dad Son


Jumin Bad Relationship Ending 2 Walkthrough R mysticmessenger

Throughout the events of Mystic Messenger there are several endings in each character s specific route Depending on the choices of the player made within the ten days prior to the 11th Day the player can obtain either a Good Ending Normal Ending one of three Bad Story Endings or one of two Bad Relationship Endings When the player reaches the 11th Day the number of guests who attend the 1 30 or less chat participation Or 2 Get more hearts from other characters rather than Seven I honestly don t know what I ve done wrong that the BRE1 hasn t triggered I thought my first attempt was because of the visual novel that I answered incorrectly so I restarted following the guide for the novel and it s still the same outcome

Green Ending It s very easy to get the GREEN ending and I think most of us get that on our first try To get it you just need to Act rational show less love to Jumin You can literally choose random and still get this ending You will unlock the image where Jumin is taking off his clothes I totally recommend this guide to anyone who s trying to get bad relationship endings It s absolutely amazing and detailed Yeah it s a bit of a pain to count hearts and such if you re going that route but it s a guaranteed way to get a certain BRE you re looking for The specific chatroom name for Jumin BRE 1 is Anxiety Bad Relationship

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V Bad Relationship End 2 pass the 4th Day branch then score between 34 50 chat participation on Days 5 through 17 then score below 30 chat participation on Days 8 through 10 This walkthrough has four goals to earn the maximum Jumin hearts so as to secure his route to avoid earning 707 hearts for the same reason to earn as many general hearts as we can and to

Updated Aug 1 2022 Here s a guide to 707 s route in Mystic Messenger complete with a walkthrough and helpful tips How To Get Onto 707 s Route 707 s Route Choices How To Get 707 s Good Ending How To Get 707 s Normal Ending How To Get 707 s Bad Endings Bad Ending 1 To get this ending you need to be a gold digging person using Jumin for his money and power Say things about how jealous you are of his life comment about the luxury in his life how jealous you are of other people Continue saying how you want to marry him how you want material things and be very possessive while ignoring


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Cheritz Theories And That Was When I Got Jumin s Bad Relationship

Jumin Bad Relationship Ending 1 Walkthrough - Official Walkthrough for the Jumin Bad After DLC Make sure to choose the choice that gets your desired ending The choices are marked exactly as how I achieved the respective ending How to figure out what Choice is what Gold Ending Walkthrough Green Ending Walkthrough Jumin Bad After has two different good endings