Inside The Backrooms Lobby Walkthrough Inside the Backrooms is a terrifying horror inspired by the viral sensation that is the backrooms This game will have you evading entities solving puzzles and hiding and running and screaming The game is surprisingly complex with fantastic puzzles and genuinely horrific monsters Here is how to escape the backrooms in Inside the Backrooms
2 5K Share 255K views 1 year ago insidethebackrooms mediagamesguide Tags Inside the Backrooms is a horror multiplayer game mixed with different mechanics that will make you spend an intense 1 Parking garage 2 Office rooms 3 Flipped room 4 The party room 5 The Pool What Are The Beginner Tips Tricks To Conquer in Inside the Backrooms 1 Run If Spotted 2 Read Notes Carefully 3 Examine Puzzles Rigorously 4 Listen For Unusual Noises 5 Stick Close To Friends 6 Move Cautiously Don t Rush Around
Inside The Backrooms Lobby Walkthrough
Inside The Backrooms Lobby Walkthrough
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How To Escape The Backrooms And Solve All Puzzles In Inside The Backrooms Gamer Journalist
Full guide and walkthrough of Level One and all the puzzles for the game Inside the Backrooms This video also Includes a guide to the Garage Level We ve put Inside the Backrooms Walkthrough Inside the Backrooms Walkthrough Level 0 Lobby This is the first section you enter It has no monsters so you cannot die here Level 1 The Backrooms Radio Stick Man You ll most likely see him before he sees you When near lights will change to a orange like color
Open your inventory and place the gear in its spot If there is any confusion just click on use and the game will put it in the right place Bring up the screenshot or note of the gear angles from the note You will have to place the gear lever on the three gears one at a time to rotate them to the correct angle 0 00 9 13 Inside the Backrooms Level One Guide KriegerKR 249 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1K Share 140K views 1 year ago Full guide and walkthrough for level one or floor one of
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How to Beat the Office rooms in Inside the Backrooms Whether you just started or are carrying on you ll start at the elevator entrance to see slick grey tiles and walls Again there are less puzzles so there is more of a streamlined experience As a checkpoint to the backrooms in case you want to go back for whatever reason you can Created by Level 0 Lobby This is the first section you enter It has no monsters so you cannot die here Level 1 The Backrooms Radio Stick Man You ll most likely see him before he sees you When near lights will change to a orange like color
Map Orange gate Clover gate Purple doors Doors covered with roots Yellow door Electrical door controlled with the computer Yellow dots Chalice locations General Tips Here are some tips to help you stay safe in this game Enemies Dealing with those grassy foes is a breeze if you re sneaky How to Beat the Event On the tables are darts that you can pick up and equip After collecting some darts head for the table in the center and blow out the candles to start A door will appear where you can run out and start hunting the partygoers Partygoers have three balloons that need to be popped in order to stop them
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Inside The Backrooms How To SpeedRun Inside The Backrooms
Inside The Backrooms Lobby Walkthrough - 0 00 9 13 Inside the Backrooms Level One Guide KriegerKR 249 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1K Share 140K views 1 year ago Full guide and walkthrough for level one or floor one of