Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 19

Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 19 By Bob TJ ScorpioOfShadows 17 1k more updated May 19 2014 advertisement Welcome to the InFamous Second Son Walkthrough This guide will serve as your one stop shop for tips and tricks

InFamous Second Son Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 Aftermath PS4 1080p Let s Play Playthrough Commentary https www youtube watch v sgfRjetzj0gSubscrib Subscribe to us http www youtube subscription center add user gameoxotvFollow us Facebook http www facebook gameoxoTwitter http twitter

Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 19


Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 19


InFAMOUS Second Son Walkthrough PART 2 1080p No Commentary TRUE HD QUALITY YouTube


Infamous Second Son Part Two Using Powers Walkthrough PS4 YouTube

InFAMOUS Second Son How to Beat Mission 19 Quid Pro Quo Prima Games Staff Mar 26 2014 2023 07 18T01 21 36 04 00 Read Prima s free inFAMOUS Second Son walkthrough Recommended Videos Head to the objective on your map to meet up with Hank and kick off this intense mission Follow him to the pipe and absorb the nearby smoke Reggie will call and say there s another victim but this time the DUP has locked down the area Head to the second spot and you ll have to fight with a bunch of DUP including one of the big guys with the minigun Once it s clear head to where the second victim is and take the pictures like before

The third installment of the franchise inFAMOUS Second Son takes the series in a whole new direction from its predecessors Delsin Rowe a small time vandal replaces Cole MacGrath in the role of the main protagonist Forced to defend his people from the Department of Unified Protection headed by the evil Augustine Delsin and his brother Reggie set out for Seattle A complete walkthrough including guides to boss fights how to unlock powers and all Good and Bad Karma trophies inFAMOUS Second Son is a PlayStation 4 exclusive that asks you early on to make a

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Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 7 No Commentary Gameplay Lets Play YouTube

The guide consists of two parts The first one is called inFamous Second Son in 10 Easy Steps This part explains the most important aspects of the game in a clear easy to understand way After reading it you will know how the karma system works how to fight with various types of enemies what are the additional activities in the game how Infamous Second Son Gameplay Walkthrough Part 19 He Who Dwells Watch fullscreen Infamous Second Son Gameplay Walkthrough Part 19 He Who Dwells SMILE AGAIN Follow Like Favorite Share Add to Playlist Report 4 years ago Infamous Second Son Gameplay Walkthrough Part 19 He Who Dwells Hide details Recommended

Above there are some large boards with a yellow ladder on the side Spring off the red vent and air dash to the ladder 3 Climb up the ladder to the catwalk walk part way around and turn towards the center to find white beams going up the side of the structure Climb these 4 At the top jump to the center catwalk As a part of the Collector s Edition of inFAMOUS Second It features three exclusive missions that help bridge the gap between inFAMOUS 2 and Second Son advertisement Part 1 Follow The Fish


Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 1 Mind BLOWN Gameplay Playthrough PS4 720p HD YouTube


Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 3 Let s Play Gameplay No Commentary YouTube

Infamous Second Son Walkthrough Part 19 - Playing through InFAMOUS Second Son Haven t played it in a while so skills are rusty honestly excited to play the game again and finally after all these ye