Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple Walkthrough

Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple Walkthrough On this page of the guide to Immortals Fenyx Rising you will learn how to complete the next main mission which is called One Bad Apple This is a continuation of the quests commissioned by Aphrodite herself After completing the previous mission your task will be to find Aphrodite

Objective Find Aphrodite After completing the A Crying Shame quest we should be by the Gaia s Soul fast travel marker on the map Make your way a short distance to the northwest to a new To recover the Apple of Discord in the One Bad Apple Immortals Fenyx Rising quest the first step is to put two smaller apples on the pedestals in order to unlock the giant apple in front of said pedestals The first apple is extremely simple climb up the stairs to the statue of Aphrodite and pick up the apple from the pink shell on the left

Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple Walkthrough


Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple Walkthrough™_20201202220451.jpg


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This video shows Palace of Aphrodite The Apple of Discord puzzle solution Immortals Fenyx Rising Where to find apples One Bad Apple Quest Immortals Fenyx F Immortals Fenyx Rising 100 Walkthrough Part 10 PS5 One Bad Apple Hard 4K All The Shinies 107K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3

This Immortals Fenyx Rising gameplay covers One Bad Apple quest in which Aphrodite ask s Fenyx for the Apple of Discord which is in the region s south wes IGN s Immortals Fenyx Rising complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Immortals Fenyx Rising from the title screen to the final credits

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In This Video Overview How to Unfog the Gates of Tartaros Walkthrough Immortals Fenyx Rising walkthrough for main quest One Bad Apple Walkthrough Immortals Fenyx Rising One bad Apple Go to the marked location You will find her on a small island in this shallow lake approach her and watch the scenes The game will now direct you to go find the Apple of Discord if you already have it somehow the story will proceed without pause Anyway below is the location

Defeat the boars and then destroy the statue here to find a hole we can drop into to reach the Vault Vault of Tartaros Adonis s Fall Objective Retrieve a Tear of Aphrodite Upon entering this Updated November 28 2023 In the Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple quest your objective is to recover the Apple of Discord for Aphrodite and although this objective may look quite accessible at first things are a bit different The main reason is that the Apple of Discord is a quest item and we already know that most quests in the video


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Immortals Fenyx Rising One Bad Apple Walkthrough - In this playthrough of Immortals Fenyx Rising part 14 I Complete One Bad Apple To do this I Recover the Apple of Discord and Return to Aphrodite I als