Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope S Distress Walkthrough

Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope S Distress Walkthrough If you re stuck on the Kalliope s Distress Puzzles we have some words of advice as well as the solutions to all four of the puzzles

Walkthrough guide for Kalliope s Distress Vault in Immortals Fenyx Rising This is one of the mandatory Vaults for the story In this part of the Immortals Fenyx Rising Guide you will discover the location the unfolding and the solution of the puzzles of the Vault of Tartaros named Kalliope s Distress Items

Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope S Distress Walkthrough


Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope S Distress Walkthrough


Kalliope s Distress Vault Guide Aphrodite s Second Tear Immortals Fenyx Rising Gamepur


Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope s Distress Puzzle Guide TechRaptor Distress Vault.jpg?itok=8z9Gaw4j

Kalliope s Distress is the fifth vault to taken on and the second of the missions to Retrieve a Tear of Aphrodite The vault is all about activating switches on the floor following the clues When you reach the objective marker you will reach a room with three hidden switches we need to press to unlock the door to the vault You will find the door switches in the following locations

Kalliope s Distress Puzzle Immortals Fenyx Rising quest objective How to solve Kalliope s Distress Puzzle in Immortals Fenyx Rising You can complete Immort Immortals Fenyx Rising Tears of Aphrodite Kalliope s Distress solution guide shows how to solve fire breathing heads puzzles in the vault

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Kalliope s Distress Vault Of Tartaros Walkthrough And Puzzle Solutions Immortals Fenyx Rising

At one point you re tasked with finding three Tears of Aphrodite and that means exploring three new Vaults in the area around Aphrodite herself Kalliope s Distress is either fun or annoying depending on how you feel This Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliopes Distress Guide will tell you how to solve the final fire puzzle with the switches on the floor that must be pressed in a specific order in order to progress There are many vaults

No commentary Includes subtitlesNormal DifficultyPlayed on PS5Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope s Distress Walkthrough Main quest Kalliope distress vault is It seems like you need to do a puzzle first to get wind platforms Thank you for your reply I m past the wind platforms in that walkthrough it just says 3 Open the chest to obtain a Tear of


Kalliope s Distress Game Of Guides


Kalliope s Distress Vault Walkthrough Immortals Fenyx Rising YouTube

Immortals Fenyx Rising Kalliope S Distress Walkthrough - With all three switches activated you can go through the opening on the left and enter Kalliope s Distress This is built around a set of puzzles where you must step on only the correct