Ign Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough Looking for the Pokemon X and Y Wiki Guide Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2 are set in If you d like to discuss more Pokemon related stuff visit IGN s Pokemon Board advertisement
Main Storyline Part 1 Intro Aspertia City Route 19 Floccesy Town Part 2 Route 20 Floccesy Ranch Pledge Grove Aspertia Gym Part 3 Virbank City Virbank Complex Virbank Gym Pok star Studios Part 4 Castelia City Castelia Sewers Castelia Gym Part 5 Route 4 Desert Resort Relic Castle Join Avenue Welcome to my Pokemon Black Version 2 Pokemon White Version 2 FAQ Walkthrough Straight off the bat I m a huge Pokemon fan I have been hooked since 2001 when I first got Pokemon Blue and haven t stopped loving the series since I hope that love shows throughout the following mass of text as I guide you through the many aspects of Pokemon
Ign Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough
Ign Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough
Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough Part 9 Castelia City YouTube
Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough 3 Episode YouTube
N A After the battle head North and around the ledge Use your Dowsing Machine to find a hidden Yellow Shard To the East is a Hyper Potion in a small corner Continue delving into the cave Two Pok mon Black and White 2 Walkthrough Welcome to the StrategyWiki walkthrough for Pok mon Black and White 2 This guide covers from Aspertia City to the Pok mon League as well as all post game and optional content Each page of this guide contains a lot of useful information that will be very helpful throughout your journey
Go west to find a Calcium hidden near the pond then head north to reach Youngster Wes and the Shiny Stone northeast of him Turn southwest and battle Twins Rae Ula then grab the Max Revive near Lass Lurleen TM92 lies to the east of Youngster Jaye The shrine to Landorus stands on a hill to the north If you visit with a Landorus that was caught elsewhere an old man will appear Lentimas chamber Pick up the Max Repel and turn east Main chamber Step inside the main chamber and Bianca teams up with you to get through the mountain Head south past Black Belt Corey and grab the Nugget in the tunnel to the east Continue south and check the nearest stalagmite for a hidden Green Shard Check the tunnel east of Backpacker Kiyo and Hiker Markus to get a Hyper Potion and a
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Cave of Being The Cave of Being is a small cave that can be reached by climbing the waterfall on the south side of Route 20 It is said that the deepest part of the cave connects to the distant Sinnoh region Professor Juniper is inside investigating the area Suddenly a mysterious presence can be felt and the three lake guardians Uxie Mesprit and Azelf appear The Grass type Snivy has the most weaknesses of the trio with five Fire Bug Poison Flying and Ice type attacks However it and its evolutions make up for this with their superior defenses Its Grass attacks are strong against Rock Ground and Water type Pok mon The Fire type Tepig is great when battling Grass Bug Ice and Steel type Pok mon but is vulnerable to Water
Catch up with Juniper When you catch up to Professor Juniper on the first floor she suggests that you try using different items She hands you a Lucky Egg which earns 50 more experience points for its holder than normal The Nurse With all the wild Litwick around your Pok mon could get burned by their Flame Body Ability Talk to Nurse Dixie on the third floor after defeating her in This walkthrough will guide you through the world of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 the sequels to Pokemon Black and White Like their predecessors there are several significant differences between the two games in terms of storyline locations and available Pokemon Use the menu above to jump to a specific section or click Next Section to
Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough Episode 1 YouTube
Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough With TkF Part 17 Flying A Plane YouTube
Ign Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough - Pok mon Black and White 2 Walkthrough Welcome to the StrategyWiki walkthrough for Pok mon Black and White 2 This guide covers from Aspertia City to the Pok mon League as well as all post game and optional content Each page of this guide contains a lot of useful information that will be very helpful throughout your journey