Ign Luigis Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 3 Bring the torch from the fire set to the main set area Have Gooigi lift Luigi up to the rafters to get the ice block his flashlight is shining on Vacuum it up and
Explore the Fitness Center Head to the 13F and exit the elevator Fitness Center Gem 6 Stand both Luigi and Gooigi on the center of the floor in front of the elevator Vacuum the gem from the Head right go up the hall with the paintings and turn on the television in the top left corner of the room for a scene in which Luigi goes through the screen Afterward suction shot the glass display to the right and grab the key Then head back through the TV to the previous room and use the key on the double doors in the center
Ign Luigis Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor
Ign Luigis Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 013 Game Of Guides
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 028 Game Of Guides
Walkthrough IGN s Luigi s Mansion 3 guide and walkthrough is complete with puzzle solutions boss guides every gem location all boo locations tips and tricks secrets easter eggs and Try sucking on it and it will fall to the ground Fall down yourself then suck on the ice cube and warp through the TV with the blue light on top next to Morty to return to the Fire Set Studio 3 Fire Set Revisited Here place the block of ice on the set then have Luigi play the movie
Check out our Luigi s Mansion 3 Floor 8 walkthrough to see the 100 8F Paranormal Production guide including how to get the megaphone gems and how to comp Garden Suites Gem 1 Use the Dark Light on the ground Reveal a grate to drop Gooigi down with the dark light Have Gooigi use the dark light on a missing pipe Use Luigi to turn the water on in
More picture related to Ign Luigis Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 003 Game Of Guides
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 031 Game Of Guides
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 006 Game Of Guides
Head to the right and enter the men s restroom Use your suction shot to open the 2nd stall door far right Hotel Shops Gem 6 Use the dark light to reveal the grate and drop Gooigi down it Move Gooigi through the spikes at the bottom of the stair to pull the ball and cord so Luigi can get across Open the barrel in the middle by using your suction shot and a pull This will reveal
Paranormal Productions 3 Bring the torch from the fire set to the main set area Have Gooigi lift Luigi up to the rafters to get the ice block his flashlight is shining on Vacuum it up and Take the elevator to 15F Master Suites Gem 5 Go to the left of the screen and use Gooigi to ge tinto the pipe He ll land at the top of the elevator Head into the alcove here his flashlight is
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 002 Game Of Guides
Luigi s Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor Paranormal Productions 008 Game Of Guides
Ign Luigis Mansion 3 Walkthrough 8th Floor - Luigi s Mansion 3 guide includes gem locations for each floor totaling to 102 gems across B2 gems B1 gems 1F gems 2F gems 3F gems 4F gems 5F gems 6F gems 7F gems 8F gems 9F gems 10F