I Like My Monsters Rare Walkthrough Borderlands 2 I Like My Monsters Rare is an accumulative side quest that must be completed by killing rare variants of enemies exclusive to Sir Hammerlock s Big Game Hunt The enemies and the amount
Some experience I have regarding the completion of I like my Monsters rare quest in Sir Hammerlock s Big Game Hunt DLC in Borderlands 2 Award Favorite Share Created by Neptune Offline Category Achievements Loot Maps or Levels Walkthroughs Languages English Posted Updated Jun 21 2016 9 26am May 8 2019 11 18pm Guide Index Overview Guide I Like My Monsters Rare Hammerlock Side Missions Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt DLC Borderlands 2 Gamer Guides Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt DLC Introduction What is this 188 Story Missions Savage Lands 189 Professor Nakayama I Presume 190 A Hunting We Will Go 191 The Fall of Nakayama 192 Hammerlock Side Missions An Acquired Taste 193
I Like My Monsters Rare Walkthrough Borderlands 2
I Like My Monsters Rare Walkthrough Borderlands 2
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I Like My Monster Rare side mission in Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock DLC Skip ahead to the monsters you cannot find Pink Boroks Hunter s Grotto 0 07 Taille Borderlands 2 2012 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Guide to the location of the rare creatures you need to kill to complete I Like My Monsters Rare
Borderlands2 Gameplay Walkthrough Achievement Trophy CHIEVO NATION Here is a video guide on how to quickly run through and kill all of the rare creatures that are needed for this mission Please like and sub
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7 Objectives Kill pink boroks 0 8 Kill tailless scaylion 0 8 Kill two legged drifters 0 6 Kill albino skags 0 5 Kill slagged spores 0 4 I ve read that these monsters spawns are completely random but I know that at least some of the types have a proclivity for a certain area Still just a board in a cage egg in your face I like my monsters rare and an acquired taste After doing those side quests that you can head over to the next area which is Scylla s
I Like My Monsters Rare solution The monsters in the quest are not as random as one would think and it doesn t tell you that all the maps in the Hammerlock DLC are involved so without further ado the locations of the rare monsters Two legged Drifters Hunter s Grotto right around the Lodge Any tips on how to finish the I like my monsters rare quest All I have left to kill is Pink Boroks 6 Albino Skags 1 and Slagged Spores 3 No idea how to find these guys so any help is greatly appreciated This fucking quest takes longer than the whole rest of the dlc combined Pink Boraks and slagged spores are in hunters grotto
Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock s DLC Optional Missions I Like My Monsters Rare YouTube
DLC 3 I Like My Monsters Rare Borderlands
I Like My Monsters Rare Walkthrough Borderlands 2 - I Like My Monster Rare side mission in Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock DLC Skip ahead to the monsters you cannot find Pink Boroks Hunter s Grotto 0 07 Taille