How To Get To Giant Chasm Black In the years between Black and White and Black 2 and White 2 the path from Lacunosa Town to the Giant Chasm has been blocked by a landslide A lone boulder blocks the path which can be pushed with Strength
When you get into the centre of the area the Giant Chasm flashfreezes and you can gain access to another cave where the legendary Pok mon Kyruem dwells In Black 2 White 2 the plains of it get flattened by the landing of the Plasma After visiting Dragonspiral Tower and catching Zekrom or Reshiram return to the Northern Cave in the crater part of Giant Chasm
How To Get To Giant Chasm Black
How To Get To Giant Chasm Black
Pokemon Black 2 And White 2 Walkthrough Part 64 Giant Chasm YouTube
Giant Chasm Taking Out Team Plasma Main Walkthrough Pok mon
If you can t get out of the cave you might have to watch somebodies walkthrough that has giant chasm in it So to go to the giant chasm you need to go through the water near the old man who giving you one of the grams the main problem about giant chasm after you
Giant Chasm is only accessible after you have defeated the Elite Four the first time It is found just to the east of Lacunosa Town This is the Pok mon Location guide for Giant Chasm in Unova Choose which generation of games you re playing to see the Pok mon and capture methods
More picture related to How To Get To Giant Chasm Black
Pokemon Black 2 White 2 Giant Chasm Deepest Part By Jacobspencer04 On
Pok mon Black White Giant Chasm Map GIF StarFighters76
Pokemon Black 2 Part 39 Giant Chasm YouTube
To reach Giant Chasm go to Humilau City then north to Route 22 and go to the northwest corner of the route to find the cave entrance to Giant Chasm Go through the Cave Go to Route 22 Go to the cave entrance at the end of the hilly maze You will be taken to the Giant Chasm Go downward to the left ignoring the first entrance Keep going
To get waterfall fly to the first town and go north until you see the water Surf west You get to a new area but keep surfing and walking west until you get to the westmost point you can you The Giant Chasm Outside Area A Max Elixir is obtained from the treasure ball to the immediate left of the entrance to this area and another treasure ball with a Max Potion is
Pokemon White 107 Giant Chasm Part 1 Metang Battle YouTube
Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough Part 48 Giant Chasm YouTube
How To Get To Giant Chasm Black - If you can t get out of the cave you might have to watch somebodies walkthrough that has giant chasm in it