How To Get The Declaration Of Independence In Fallout 3 The Declaration of Independence is an item found in the ruins of D C s National Archives It can be recovered by the Lone Wanderer for the Rivet City historian Abraham Washington The Declaration of Independence is a pronouncement
When you defeat them she will give a better introduction and offer to assist you in obtaining the declaration in exchange for part of the reward If you kill Sydney you will obtain her unique 10mm sub machine gun the Ultra Once you get the access code either through speech or by searching his wreckage use the computer terminal on his desk and open up the door in the back of the
How To Get The Declaration Of Independence In Fallout 3
How To Get The Declaration Of Independence In Fallout 3
The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution HuffPost
Stealing The Declaration Of Independence In Fallout 3 YouTube
You ll find the Declaration of Independence inside the vault After dealing with Button if he s still functioning you ll be able to give him your final orders If you continue to play along with his delusion and if you re nice to him then you ll Once the declaration is in your possession go back the same way you came before or proceed towards an unexplored passageway located to the left of Button Ignore the room with the capsules and move forward Eventually
After entering The National Archive in the first main room you ll find Sydney another person hired by Abraham to get the Declaration of Independence Here you can either help Sydney Retrieve the Declaration of Indepence from the National Archives and return them to Abraham Washington in Rivet City Abraham Washington is not difficult to find in Rivet City simply
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The Declaration Of Independence Left Right And Center
Search the storage room for two SAFES and the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in the main safe Head through the western maintenance area for a shortcut make your way east to In conclusion the Declaration of Independence in Fallout 3 is a valuable and highly sought after item that can be found in the Museum of Technology in the Megaton settlement
It s in the national archives This might help more You re browsing GameFAQs Q A as a guest Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask It s time to steal the Declaration of Independence Sure it s not a grand caper now that you just have to kill a few robots to get it It s still cool and profitable though You can
When Americans Forgot About The Declaration Of Independence Stanford News
A History Of The Declaration Of Independence
How To Get The Declaration Of Independence In Fallout 3 - Once the declaration is in your possession go back the same way you came before or proceed towards an unexplored passageway located to the left of Button Ignore the room with the capsules and move forward Eventually