How Long To Beat Witcher 3 Complete Edition How long is The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition HowLongToBeat has the answer Create a backlog submit your game times and compete with your friends
Main story with exploration could take anywhere between 100 150 hrs HoS is about 12 hrs BoW is 30 hours but can take a lot more if you do side quests and exploration I have played whole game 3 times and still kept finding new stuff Out of the players who made a submission for a main story playthrough the average completion time was over 52 hours Those looking to dabble in The Witcher 3 s side content can safely double that number with an
How Long To Beat Witcher 3 Complete Edition
How Long To Beat Witcher 3 Complete Edition
The Witcher 3 Complete Edition Next Gen Update YouTube
How Long The Witcher 3 Really Takes To Beat With All DLC Included
When focusing on the main objectives The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Game of the Year Edition is about 56 Hours in length If you re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game you are likely to spend around 189 Hours to obtain The main campaign of The Witcher 3 is reported to take roughly 50 hours to complete and with The Witcher 3 s game of the year edition that number gets bumped to a little over 55 However those numbers can fluctuate
According to reports on How Long To Beat completists take up to 41 hours to beat The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine This expansion alone is longer than most standalone single player games The main campaign of The Witcher 3 will take you around 50 hours to complete For completing the game 100 including the expansions you ll require more than 150 hours Those who like taking their time while playing the game may even
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How long does it take to beat The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition on PlayStation 4 Accepted Answer Around 85 hours according to 355 GameFAQs users who Did a NG Death March playthrough in 2020 during lockdown with all DLC and had an entirely different experience it genuinely became a top 3 title of all time for me hit roughly 400 hours in total Started a new playthrough on PS5 and
How long does it take to beat The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition The estimated time to complete all 53 The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition trophies is 80 100 hours This First play through was 350 hours or so My current play through is at 550 hours and I m not even on Act 3 yet The best thing to do is go at your own pace and spend time doing things you
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Blood And Wine
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How Long To Beat Witcher 3 Complete Edition - The main campaign of The Witcher 3 is reported to take roughly 50 hours to complete and with The Witcher 3 s game of the year edition that number gets bumped to a little over 55 However those numbers can fluctuate