How Long Are The Ace Attorney Games The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles merges two games into one starting the timeline with Ryunosuke Naruhodo in Meiji era Spirit of Justice tasks Phoenix Apollo and Athena with legal battles in a corrupt kingdom ending the timeline
With the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy you can enjoy the first three games in the franchise Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice for All and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations They are remastered in HD quality suitable for the available platforms they re on It may have taken 13 years for fans to get to officially play Ace Attorney Investigations 2 in English but the games will all be easily available on current consoles now save for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney whose potential for re release is entirely unknown
How Long Are The Ace Attorney Games
How Long Are The Ace Attorney Games
The Great Ace Attorney 2 Resolve Ace Attorney Wiki Fandom
Ace Attorney
According to gamers who ve mastered the Ace Attorney series the best place to start is the first trilogy of the main series the Phoenix Wright trilogy Specifically you should begin with the first game of this trilogy which rolled out April 26 2023 Vee As an Ace Attorney fanatic I can t help but feel a burst of excitement whenever I talk about this series These games offer an exhilarating blend of visual novel storytelling and courtroom drama that you just can t find anywhere else
For the purposes of this article I have looked over each major Ace Attorney game and spinoff Every game has its own details on when events take place allowing them to be described on a case by case basis Published Mar 31 2023 2 40 AM PDT 0 With over 20 years of history ten mainline games and several spinoffs and adaptations the Ace Attorney franchise has become a cultural phenomenon From iconic characters like Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth to gripping storylines full of plot twists and turns this series has something for everyone
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It s first worth noting that there are six mainline Ace Attorney games two Great Ace Attorney spinoffs and two Investigations spinoffs For the most part these three groups are independent of one another and can be treated as if In chronological order From The Great Ace Attorney Adventures to Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice be sure to check out the titles you haven t played yet Every Ace Attorney game in chronological order
It is infamous for its legendary length 12 hours for it alone which more than doubles the playtime of the package Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All 20 Hours Let s break down the entire Ace Attorney canon although they are fabulous games in their own right this article will not include the two Miles Edgeworth Investigations titles as they are considered spinoffs by Capcom and while superficially canon have little to no bearing on the central timeline
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How Long Are The Ace Attorney Games - Comparing it to another popular visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club Plus we can see that Doki Doki takes around 14 and a half hours to get a full completion main story side stories achievements of the game So the series is around 19 DDLC which is a lot considering there are only 11 games