Hoshi Saga 1 Walkthrough Stage 28 28 Row 5 Column 4 Difficulty 3 5 stars Stage 28 is the 28th stage of Hoshi Saga and of the Hoshi Saga triology In the stage select menu it is located at the fifth row and fourth column Description
This is a FULL walkthrough of the puzzle Game Hoshi Saga All Levels are shown in this more 5 Rating 4 5 5 675 votes Platform Flash Categories browser discovery flash free game hoshisaga japanese linux mac original pointandclick puzzle rating y unique windows yishii Comments 350 Views 98 154
Hoshi Saga 1 Walkthrough Stage 28
Hoshi Saga 1 Walkthrough Stage 28
Hoshi Saga Walkthrough YouTube
Hoshi Saga Level 1 YouTube
Just a walkthrough 5 Rating 4 3 5 52 votes Categories browser free game hoshisaga japanese original pointandclick puzzle unique yishii Comments 5 Views 31 397 Hoshi Saga is back After a multi year hiatus on the series Yoshi Ishii blesses us with Hoshi Saga Monochromatic
Walkthrough Hoshi Saga Ringoame By Jay April 18 2010 Currently 4 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 Rating 4 7 5 376 votes Platform Flash Categories browser discovery flash free game hoshisaga japanese linux mac original pointandclick puzzle rating g unique windows yishii 1 Difficulty 0 5 5 stars Stage 1 is the first stage of Hoshi Saga and the Hoshi Saga triology In the stage select menu it is located at the first row and first column Description In front of a white background squares made of bricks form a W shape on the left side of the screen and an I shape touching the right edge
More picture related to Hoshi Saga 1 Walkthrough Stage 28
Hoshi Saga 12 Minnano 3 Level 8 Walkthrough YouTube
Hoshi Saga 1 Level 28 YouTube
Hoshi Saga 12 Minnano 3 Level 2 Walkthrough YouTube
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hoshi Saga is another really funny addicting point and click puzzle game Hoshi Saga means Search a Star in Japanese Point and click every places to find stars in 36 stages Good luck and have fun If you find any broken link about this game please report and let us know by contacting us We will add working link if there is any alternative
Hoshi Saga is a series of browser puzzle video games started in 2007 by Yoshio Ishii a k a Nekogames Gameplay involves interacting with each stage in order to find a star shape as its name translation from Japanese Star Search suggests This wiki aims to gather and mantain relevant detailed information on each entry of the series It seems like only a few days ago we were given a new installment in Yoshio Ishii s gorgeous Hoshi Saga series and today another one number 8 lands in our virtual laps Hoshi Saga Dokuringo But before you go off playing this one please note the rating
Hoshi Saga 12 Minnano 3 Level 4 Walkthrough YouTube
Poradnik 3 Jak Przej Gre Hoshi Saga YouTube
Hoshi Saga 1 Walkthrough Stage 28 - 1 Difficulty 0 5 5 stars Stage 1 is the first stage of Hoshi Saga and the Hoshi Saga triology In the stage select menu it is located at the first row and first column Description In front of a white background squares made of bricks form a W shape on the left side of the screen and an I shape touching the right edge