Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm Of Urtkot The Helm of Urtkot is the twenty seventh main quest in Hogwarts Legacy This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Helm of Urtkot Main Mission Requirement having completed Percival Rackham s Trial and Professor Sharp s Assignment 1 Depulso Level 12 Reward 260 XP
Unlock The Helm of Urtkot quest Enter the witch s tomb Moth puzzle door 1 Moth puzzle door 2 Inferi battle 1 Moth puzzle door 3 Skeleton bridge treasure Down the hole Inferi battle 2 Moth The Helm of Urkot Walkthrough guide in Hogwarts Legacy A complete step by step guide on how to get the big chest with the skeletons puzzle Includes all it
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm Of Urtkot
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm Of Urtkot
Secrets Of The Restricted Section Hogwarts Legacy Guide IGN
Hogwarts Legacy Helm Of Urtkot Walkthrough
The Helm of Urtkot is located in a chest under a blue tent in the bandit camp marked on the minimap Open this chest to find the Helm of Urtkot However more enemies will appear once you ve Objective Search the tomb for the helmet Upon entering the cave follow the set path through the area until you reach a locked door There will be a pair of moths on the door and a socket for a
The main quests in Hogwarts Legacy are full of challenging puzzles that utilize a number of the spells at your disposal One such quest is The Helm of Urtkot where Sirona s acquaintance Lodgok asks you to meet them near The Collector s Cave in the outskirts of Hogsmeade This mission unlocks after you complete The Caretaker s Lunar Lament 1 Speak to Sirona in the Three Broomsticks Tracking the quest leads you first to Hogsmeade Fast travel to the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame and talk to Sirona inside the Three Broomsticks who will tell you where to find Lodgok 2 Look for Lodgok at the Hog s Head Inn Lodgok can be found at the Hog s Head Inn on the southwest corner of Hogsmeade
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Hogwarts Legacy Helm Of Urtkot Walkthrough
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm of Urtkot 005 Game Of Guides
Hogwarts Legacy The Helm Of Urtkot Walkthrough VeryAli Gaming
The Hogwarts Legacy Helm of Urtkot quest occurs mid way through the campaign i e after Percival Rackham s Trial The requirement here is that you re at least level 12 and you have the The Helm of Urtkot is the 20th Main Quest in the game unlocked after completing Percival Rackham s Trial As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide we are going to share our full The Helm of
Place a moth in the large moth shaped key in the center of the room then use Depulso on the key to rotate it This brings down a stone lift at one side of the room Stand on the lift use Depulso Grab the Helm of Urtkot out of a chest left then defeat the Ashwinder Assassin and her cronies right Loot the Forest Troll and the Ashwinders grab a Collection Chest in a tent to the northwest then cross a bridge to the north to find another tent In this tent is a large chest which contains the pilfered Helm of Urtkot you seek
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm of Urtkot 014 Game Of Guides
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm of Urtkot 001 Game Of Guides
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough The Helm Of Urtkot - The main quests in Hogwarts Legacy are full of challenging puzzles that utilize a number of the spells at your disposal One such quest is The Helm of Urtkot where Sirona s acquaintance Lodgok asks you to meet them near The Collector s Cave in the outskirts of Hogsmeade This mission unlocks after you complete The Caretaker s Lunar Lament