Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough

Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough The Tale of Rowland Oakes is a Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Tale of Rowland Oakes side mission and Rowland s Map trail solution Location Hogwarts The Astronomy Wing Transfiguration Courtyard Quest Giver Adelaide Oakes Quest Level Level 10

To complete the Tale of Rowland Oakes s side quest in Hogwarts Legacy players must solve a small puzzle to find Adelaide s uncle and save him Triggering it requires completing The Helm In Hogwarts Legacy you can explore a large open world filled with quests secrets and puzzles to complete such as Demiguise Statues You ll come across one of these side quests The Tale of Rowland Oakes This quest will have the player find Rowland Oakes based on the map he left behind

Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough


Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough


Tale Of Rowland Oaks Map Location Hogwarts Legacy Game Guides


Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough

You unlock The Tale of Rowland Oakes by completing the first third of the Prepare for your Search for the Final Keeper task meaning you have to complete the main quests The Helm of Urtkot Beasts Class and The Caretaker s Lunar Lament Main Quest Walkthroughs Location The Tale of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy The Tale of Rowland Oakes Side Quest Walkthrough Rowland s Map Location Solution Objectives Talk to Adelaide Oakes 0 00Find Rowland Oake

Objective Talk to Adelaide Oakes You can find Adelaide Oakes in the The Astronomy Wing Transfiguration Courtyard Simply fast travel to the floo flame there and you can find her on the Avalanche Software This image shows the location of the bandit castle as well as the Korrow Ruins where Rowland is being held Explore the castle take out the enemies and open the various

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Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Guide The Tale Of Rowland Oaks Walkthrough VGC


Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough How To Complete The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Side Quest

This guide shows the complete walkthrough of The tale of Rowland Oakes side quest in the Hogwarts Legacy game which released on 10th February 2023 Talk to Adelaide Oakes Quest Starting Location Talk to Adelaide Oakes in the Astronoy Wing garden to start the quest Find Rowland Oakes s Campsite The Tale Of Rowland Oakes starts out with a classmate simply asking you to check up on their father but quickly spirals and leaves you face to face with many goblins and even a troll

Guide 2nd Nov 2023 10 00 am Guide by Jordan Middler The Tale of Rowland Oaks is one of the first missions you ll come across in Hogwarts Legacy While plenty of the maps in Hogwarts Legacy are just found sitting around this mission will be given to you by a student at Hogwarts early in the game The Tale of Rowland Oakes Hogwarts Legacy Guide Walkthrough YouTube 2024 Google LLC The Tale of Rowland Oakes is a side quest This guide shows you everything you need


Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough


Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough

Hogwarts Legacy The Tale Of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough - You unlock The Tale of Rowland Oakes by completing the first third of the Prepare for your Search for the Final Keeper task meaning you have to complete the main quests The Helm of Urtkot Beasts Class and The Caretaker s Lunar Lament Main Quest Walkthroughs Location The Tale of Rowland Oakes Walkthrough