Heroic 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols Walkthrough Follow Darth Smithie on a mission to activate HK 51 Star Wars The Old Republic is the property of EA Bioware http www EAhttp www swtorEdite
6 Recover HK Weapons Protocol The False Emperor Flashpoint The sixth piece the weapons protocol is hidden in the False Emperor Flashpoint The flashpoint can be run on story mode and the piece will drop direclty from the HK 47 boss for any players who are on the right step of the HK 51 questline 1 Description 2 Objectives 3 Summary 4 Rewards 5 Achievements 6 Patches 7 See also 8 External links Description Years ago an apprentice of the Dread Masters stole an Imperial ship carrying a cargo of HK droids and tried to land the ship on Belsavis to free his masters Republic forces shot the ship down whereupon it crash landed in Section X
Heroic 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols Walkthrough
Heroic 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols Walkthrough
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HEROIC 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols Years ago an apprentice of the Dread Masters stole an Imperial ship carrying a cargo of HK droids and tried to land the ship on Belsavis to free his masters Republic forces shot the ship down whereupon it crash landed in Section X Game Update 1 5 quest Directive Activate Assassination Protocols cinematics
You receive this mission after completing Activate Assassination Protocols from Avrun or Repairs Required from Bren Unlike the previous heroic 2 missions this one is actually a heroic mission as you will be facing trios of champion 2 strongs A lot of mobs can also heal making this a bit more challenging than the previous heroic 2 s On October 16 or October 17 I started to do a misssion HEROIC 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols to collect HK 51 droid schematics By October 19 I have recovered HK Transistor HK Chassis HK AI Regulator HK Motivator HK Power Core And then after update October 20 this mission started anew and all of the parts had gone
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I want to start KotFE but am concerned that doing so will cause the in progress mission Heroic 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols aka the mission to collect HK parts in order to obtain HK 51 as a companion to mess up This quest is considered a companion mission which KotFE said I d be locked out of Details 1 1 1 0 2 1 Travel to the Theoretika 3 1 Board the Theoretika 4 1 Find and Recover the HK Schematics 5 1 Defeat the Research Experiment 6 1 Find and Recover the HK Schematics 7 1 Leave the Theoretika 8 1 Recover HK Transistor 2 Recover HK Chassis 3 Recover HK AI Regulator 4 Recover HK Motivator 5 Recover HK Power Core
That got me to Directive Activate Assassination Protocols which is the heroic before acquiring the droid parts I m going to try this and see if it will re activate doing the droid part search next P At least it s something I would have never found this guy lol Hi On October 16 or October 17 I started to do a misssion HEROIC 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols to collect HK 51 droid schematics By October 19 I have recovered HK Transistor HK Chassis HK AI Regulator HK Motivator HK Power Core And then after update October 20 this mission started anew and all of the parts had gone
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Heroic 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols Walkthrough - On October 16 or October 17 I started to do a misssion HEROIC 2 Directive Activate Assassination Protocols to collect HK 51 droid schematics By October 19 I have recovered HK Transistor HK Chassis HK AI Regulator HK Motivator HK Power Core And then after update October 20 this mission started anew and all of the parts had gone