Heroes 3 Campaign Walkthrough Gem Gem s Campaign This guide is for the first Shadow of Death campaign I will assume you are familiar with the general gameplay strategies and units of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and
ADVENTURE MAP STRATEGIES THE FIRST TWO WEEKS Your success on any given campaign mission will largely be determined in your opening 2 3 weeks While glorious battles between hundreds of Gold Heroes of Might and Magic III The Shadow of Death Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Contents 1 Harvest 1 1 First week 1 2 Second week 1 3 Third week 1 4 Weeks 4 10 2 Gathering the Legion 2 1 First week 2 2 Second week 2 3 Third week 2 4 Fourth week 2 5 Weeks 5 6 2 6 Seventh week 2 7 Weeks 8 9 2 8 Weeks 10 12 3 Search for a Killer
Heroes 3 Campaign Walkthrough Gem
Heroes 3 Campaign Walkthrough Gem
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Second week Build Upgraded Estate then recruit all Skeletons Vampire Lords and put them in Sandro s army who then goes eastward kills those lots of Marksmen flags the Crystal Cavern then marches toward south until arrives at Castigare Dungeon Citadel City Hall level 1 4 dwellings and conquers it vanquishing the Blue player Gem Retrieving the Cowl is the third scenario of the New Beginning campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic III The Shadow of Death Walkthrough Bring the Vampire s Cowl to the town of Leafhall to win the scenario However if Gem or Clancy are defeated in combat or you lose the Cowl the scenario is lost Your heroes are limited to level
Gem This article refers to the hero Gem For the resource of the same name see Gem resource Gem the Druid is a Rampart hero Gem starts with a spell book and the spell Summon Boat When Gem wasn t slaughtering the forces of undead she was a quiet and reserved woman with a kind heart Yog s letter to the Wizards of Bracada SoD manual Manual description edit Gem has left the ghosts of war in Enroth that have plagued her since the Succession Wars She finds a home in AvLee and has begun to work for Lord Fayette While working near the Erathian border she meets Sandro a wizard s apprentice who is helping his master perform anti necromancy research
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For Heroes of Might and Magic III on the PC GameFAQs has 20 guides and walkthroughs Menu Home Dragon Slayer Campaign Guide by Lord Xar v 1 1 41KB 2002 Luna Guide by GTA Dem v 1 Creature Statistics by MetalLuigi545 v 2 9 20KB 2005 Gem Campaign Guide by kanato v 1 19KB 2013 Spell Guide by Gauntlet Man 99 v 0 01 40KB New Beginning Gamer Walkthroughs New Beginning Back to Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Gem arrives in Enroth and begins collecting artifacts for Sandro who claims he wants to use them to fight against an evil necromancer Gem will need to clear the border and then go after the amulet cowl and boots
This list contains links to information about the different campaigns that are available in Heroes of Might and Magic III background heroes strategies walkthroughs and the like Campaigns unavailable at the start of the game are given in italics Restoration of Erathia edit Long Live the Queen Dungeons and Devils Spoils of War Dungeons and Devils Spoils of War Liberation Long Live the King Song for the Father Seeds of Discontent Armageddon s Blade Armageddon s Blade is the first expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic III The kingdom of Erathia is attempting to rebuild after the Restoration Wars of the main campaign but the Kreegans have other plans
Heroes 3 Campaign 1 Gem Episode 1 No Commentary YouTube
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Heroes 3 Campaign Walkthrough Gem - Gem This article refers to the hero Gem For the resource of the same name see Gem resource Gem the Druid is a Rampart hero Gem starts with a spell book and the spell Summon Boat When Gem wasn t slaughtering the forces of undead she was a quiet and reserved woman with a kind heart Yog s letter to the Wizards of Bracada SoD manual