Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Alba S Husband

Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Alba S Husband Alba s Husband Where might I find him Showing 1 5 of 5 comments dasadwq Feb 14 2017 9 53am There is a seabird on th right around it there is a shoe on the rock which above the cave 1 Mutes all tryhard Feb 26 2017 12 42am on the forbidden coast small shoe above cliff cave take it to alba then you can go in the cave

Showing 1 12 of 12 comments lorddli Jun 12 2015 12 28pm Yeah you have to find a shoe boot first up on the cliffs above that cave you mentioned Take it back to her and a new quest should pop up leading to the cave 1 How to find Alba s Husband in Hero of the Kingdom 2Where is Alba s Husband in Hero of the Kingdom 2Leave your questions in the comment section below Thanks f

Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Alba S Husband


Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Alba S Husband


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Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Pasametal
https://www.casualgameguides.com/games/ck_images/images/Hero of the Kingdom II/Mill.jpg

By Lonely Troops Hero of the Kingdom II is sort of a cross between a point and click adventure and a survival game You need to help people along the way in order to eventually save your sister from pirates If you get stuck this walkthrough should help you Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section Our Hero of the Kingdom II Walkthrough is a swash buckling adventure of informative guidance and screen shots to lead you to fulfill your quests Be brave as you travel the world in search of the pirates who have abducted your sister Fulfill quests help people and learn skills that will help you to find and rescue your beloved sister Hurry

Where is Alba s husband from the Forbidden Coast Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Answers for the PC Clear to the ladder and you can get into the square Clear to the stairs and you will be up in the cemetery basement Speak to Mark and to the Leader Kill the spiders and snakes and go to the lower level of the sewers Work your way through to the catacombs Kill the 3 zombies in the cemetery If you run out of mushrooms for magic potion be

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02 20 2019 Lost husband is on Forbidden Coast Get yourself 2 ropes and 1 healing potion and 1 pick Look closely to your right where the bird is perched on a rock The boot is just to the left of the bird Back to Alba Back to the Forbidden Island You will see magnifying glass at cave entrance on the right Enter find husband You have to do Alba s quest and the golden armor Upon getting these you should get a fame of over 300 If you are still below 300 go back to the island where pirates are stuck and buy the necessary gear for them This will give you an additional 5 fame New according to MelmQuty in the comments After the finish of the game you can earn 5

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Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Opmpaul
https://www.casualgameguides.com/games/ck_images/images/Hero of the Kingdom II/Mill Cave.jpg

Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Walkthrough Alba S Husband - Where is Alba s husband from the Forbidden Coast Hero Of The Kingdom 2 Answers for the PC