Hello Neighbor Act 3 Basement Walkthrough Xbox One Each act in Hello Neighbor tells a different segment of the story skipping around in time as a boy grows up and bad things happen in the neighbor s house By Act III you should already have a pretty good idea of the game s mechanics and what sort of things to look out for in terms of finding new routes or discovering items and keys
Firstly enter the neighbor s house through the front door and go to the right along the corridor until you reach the stairs visible above Go upstairs Jump onto the lamp visible above And now enter the room presented above Moving the picture with the gunpoint opens a secret passage nearby Here is our official gameplay walkthrough act 3 of Hello Neighbor Developed by Dynamic Pixels and published by tibyBuild Games It s a stealth horror game t
Hello Neighbor Act 3 Basement Walkthrough Xbox One
Hello Neighbor Act 3 Basement Walkthrough Xbox One
Hello Neighbor Act 3 Basement Lalapasail
Act 3 Hello Neighbor Downwup
This walkthrough is intended to show you how to beat Act 3 of Hello Neighbor by solving all 3 nightmare levels to gain the powers needed to completet the Act Now you just need to use the access card to enter the neighbor s basement After getting inside a location resembling the one from Act 1 go left and continue along the corridor Finally you reach the place visible in the screenshot above Jump onto a nearby pipe and then over the fence Go towards the door with the Exit sign
How To Beat Act 3 In Hello Neighbor 2 To beat Act 3 in Hello Neighbor 2 players must collect four Map Fragments to locate the safe and get a Museum s room key Each piece is acquired after In Act 1 your main objective is to obtain the red key to open the door to the mysterious location After regaining control over the main protagonist go towards the ball After a short cutscene you are caught by the neighbor unavoidable Now you find yourself opposite your neighbor s house First go inside your own house it is right
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Hello Neighbor Act 3 basement walkthrough gameplay part 03 In this video I m covering Hello neighbor act 3 and covering the scapes from the basement Subscr Part 3 Traverse the basement Difficulty Part 1 Easy part 2 Hard Part 3 Medium if all Fear Levels are completed Release Chronology Previous Next Act 2 Act Finale Act 3 is part of the storyline in Hello Neighbor Description Act 3 is the longest act in Hello Neighbor It has the most puzzles objects and others Story A 32
Step 1 The Game Rush through to Act 3 There s plenty video guides out there if you need them Make sure to turn on Friendly Neighbor in options to make the Neighbor slower and stop traps and After hours of flipping switches breaking windows hiding in closets and picking up every object known to man you re probably more than a little stumped on how to complete Hello Neighbor s Act 1 segment If you are having trouble getting into the basement and figuring out how to proceed past all those stubbornly locked doors we ve got you covered with a step by step guide to the
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HELLO NEIGHBOR Act 3 Basement Gameplay Using All Skills Invisibility Double Jump Defense
Hello Neighbor Act 3 Basement Walkthrough Xbox One - Act 1 When the cutscenes are over go to your house and get 3 closed boxes Go to the yellow shelves in the neighbor s yard and stack the boxes Jump to the platform and use the last box to break the window Take the giant flower picture and grab the car key Unlock the car and then get the magnet gun