Hearts Of Iron 3 China Walkthrough Nationalist China China for short is a nation suffering from internal divisions but if China reasserts control over its autonomous provinces and regains its stolen land it will have enough IC and leadership to rival most Majors and the highest MP count in the world
In 1936 they start tucked away on a tiny scrap of land between Nationalist China Japan and some of the other Chinese warlords with extremely backward tech and severe economic problems And The next thing you will notice is your lack of size and IC But what Communist China lacks in size manpower and IC it more than makes up for in leadership Use your leadership to upgrade your infantry In Hearts of Iron 3 whenever given the choice between quality and quantity always choose quality Also focus your effort in upgrading
Hearts Of Iron 3 China Walkthrough
Hearts Of Iron 3 China Walkthrough
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Hearts of Iron III Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Note There are several versions of Hearts of Iron III including expansion packs By default this guide will assume the player is playing the latest version Your First Game For your first game you ll want to pick just the right nation Launch your counter attack once you feel ready or if Nat China is collapsing usually due to Naval invasions One of your main concerns at this point is to get your stability and war support above 50 to not get the Strikes and Draft Dodging events So get Maoism and the Abolish Land Rent focuses done to fix that
7 Video Tutorial 8 Further Reading Choosing a nation Proper selection of a nation to play is essential to learning the game For players who have never played a previous Hearts of Iron game selecting a nation that was more or less at peace during WW2 is a good starting point Hearts of Iron III Their Finest Hour Guides In Depth Guides China FAQ by SephKatana v 1 0 30KB 2014 Soviet Union FAQ by SephKatana v 1 0 74KB 2014 Want to Write Your Own Guide You can write and submit your own guide for this game using either our full featured online editor or our basic text editor
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If they can overcome their fractiousness and stand together China can turn Japan s attack into a dangerous meat grinder to sap Japan s manpower and turn themselves into a power on par with the other world majors Contents 1 Historical background 2 Events 3 National focus 4 Technology 4 1 Cosmetic names 5 Politics 5 1 National spirits Hearts of iron 3 is a real time strat game that is based in the ww 2 era You can choose any faction country that was real in ww 2 The main factions are america uk france germany soviet union
Hearts of Iron is still a game about war preparing for war researching war re lated technologies developing attack plans and then keeping that war machi ne going until the issue is settled To this end Hearts of Iron has a much greater emphasis on military matters than political or economic matters You acquire new weapons through facto Welcome back to the second Hearts of iron IV country review where I pick a country availible at the start of the game and give it a 1 10 rating This leads down your foreign aid tree that all 3 China s get 2 Opening Moves In my Opinion Start by researching Infantry Equipment 1936 and Basic Machine Tools Select the focus Three
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Hearts Of Iron 3 China Walkthrough - Hearts of Iron III Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Note There are several versions of Hearts of Iron III including expansion packs By default this guide will assume the player is playing the latest version Your First Game For your first game you ll want to pick just the right nation