Harvest Moon 3 Gbc Review

Harvest Moon 3 Gbc Review Reviews Images Screenshots 4 Images Harvest Moon 3 7 Review scoring good Donald Evanoff Contributor Read Review Summary You re in for one

Simple Simple No complaints REPLAYABILITY ADDICTION FACTOR 10 10 Like all Harvest Moon games it will take you awhile to play up to the point where Plot 10 10 Great story and is different between the girl and boy As the Boy you run a successful farm in Flower Bud Village Which is from Harvest Moon 64 and

Harvest Moon 3 Gbc Review


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Harvest Moon 2 GBC

If you have ever played any game from the Harvest Moon series you should have enjoyed the addictive simulation gameplay and the quirkiness of the whole Harvest Moon 3 review Harvest Moon 3 the Coolest RPG for GBC The good Overall ALL of it is good You get to be responsible and make money This is definitely a

Harvest Moon GBC 3 This game was the best of the handheld series because not only could you choose your gender but it also brings back one very memorable moment like Harvest Moon 3 GBC Japanese GB3 Hepburn Bokuj Monogatari GB3 is a farm simulation video game for the Game Boy Color developed and published by Victor

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Reviewed 06 07 2002 Updated 06 07 2002 The worst in the series yet Harvest Moon 3 for the GameBoy Color is the third installment on the GBC But is it better than the Summary The third Harvest Moon release on Game Boy A direct sequel to Harvest Moon 2 it is set on an island off the mainland the player is tasked with reviving the farm

Harvest Moon 3 GBC Summary I like having to take care of everything but it s really hard to get a spouse and mayonaise machines and stuff like that are hard to afford 1 yr ago The first one is more or less just an extremely watered down version of the SNES game However it has very little social aspect and is almost entirely about


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