Harry Potter Walkthrough Year 2 Part 3 Check out Bas Rutten s Liver Shot on MMA Surge http bit ly MMASurgeEp1http www mahalo lego harry potter years 1 4http www mahalo lego harry po
LEGO Harry Potter Walkthrough Year Two Dobby s Plan Part 3 YouTube 0 00 10 19 LEGO Harry Potter Walkthrough Year Two Dobby s Plan Part 3 MahaloVideoGames 453K subscribers Hello everyone welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Three of Year Two of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery In the previous Chapter you finished all the preparation for entering the Slytherin or Gryffindor Common Room in order to find the Black Quill that could lead you to Ben s whereabouts Hopefully nothing bad has happened to him
Harry Potter Walkthrough Year 2 Part 3
Harry Potter Walkthrough Year 2 Part 3
Chapter 3 Year 2 Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough
247 Movie Part 2
11 Walkthrough Lego Harry Potter Year 2 Part 3 4K 60fps YouTube Game Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4Platform PS4 ProLanguage EnglishRecorded with AVerMedia Live 1 1 Next Walkthrough Year 4 p 1 Prev Walkthrough Year 3 p 1 Mischief Managed Use the small torch WL held by the statue on the left on the Devil s Snare which are holding the key 1 Take some bricks out of the wardrobe on the right and assemble an armour from it WL 2 It will be holding a chest use magic on it to get the second key
Neighboring rooms Class Corridor DADA Subroom 1 DADA Subroom 2 A Station Guard In year 3 and after WL the four torches on the wall B Parvati Patil In year 3 and after shoot the four fluttering books Two are on the left side of the room one is on the banister at the back and the final one is inside the rune cabinet C Ginny Weasley Hogwart s Year Two advertisement Back outside of the classroom head right around the outer edge of the courtyard and through the opening to the right You re back in the paved courtyard that
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Harry Potter Switch L sung DE Harry Potter
Chapter 4 Year 2 Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough
A series of light flashes follows as usual Solve the puzzle and you ll cause the pieces of the third cup to materialize Use your magic to assemble it and you will produce a cutscene Following 1 Next Walkthrough Year 2 p 2 Prev Walkthrough Year 1 p 2 Floo Powder You begin at a farm go into the house 1 You will find yourself in a kitchen There s a broken tap right by the sink attach it using WL 2 The pans blocking the passage will fly into the sink
54 11 Next Walkthrough Year 3 p 2 Prev Walkthrough Year 2 p 2 News from Azkaban You will begin in a room where a book will attack you By the bed you will find a bended painting 1 Cast WL on it you can do it with whichever character and the wizard will move to the other painting Run to him and use magic Gameplay of LEGO Harry Potter Collection Years 1 4 Year 3 Full Game Walkthrough of the Story Mode on Nintendo Switch Also Xbox One with no commentary in HD 1080p 60 fps LEGO Harry
Chapter 2 Year 1 Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough
Emniyetsiz Feodal Liberal Lego Harry Potter Year 2 Walkthrough Ka mak Kond kt r Kader
Harry Potter Walkthrough Year 2 Part 3 - 109 37 Next Walkthrough Year 3 p 1 Prev Walkthrough Year 2 p 1 Crabbe and Goyle Your main task is to create the Polyjuice Potion The cauldron can be found on the right side Head towards the left corner of the room where you will find the broom 1 Use it WL to knock down the valve from the shelf and attach it to the machine 2