Harry Potter Lego Wii 1 4 Walkthrough Year 2 Our LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 guide will note all of the important characters that you can meet and unlock along the way as well as notes on collecting golden blocks and much more
In dreams we enter a world that s entirely our own This guide and walkthrough to LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 contains codes tips locations of all collectibles and a complete set of information that each young magician needs in order to finish the game in 100 Last update 06 February 2019 0 Post Comment 1 1 Next Walkthrough Year 2 p 2 Prev Walkthrough Year 1 p 2 Floo Powder You begin at a farm go into the house 1 You will find yourself in a kitchen There s a broken tap right by the sink attach it using WL 2 The pans blocking the passage will fly into the sink
Harry Potter Lego Wii 1 4 Walkthrough Year 2
Harry Potter Lego Wii 1 4 Walkthrough Year 2
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Harry Potter Lego Years 1 4 Walkthrough Part 88 Gringotts Levels 4 6 YouTube
A1 Find Muggle Objects 1 RED all chairs around the dining table jump up get antenna 2 RED coffee table to get TV Go upstairs WH1 RED all chairs around the dining table jump up A2 3 Hogwart s Year Two advertisement The first stage as you return to your second year at Hogwarts begins even before you properly arrive at the famous school You ll need to begin by completing
Follow me on Twitter for updates https twitter lizerikseriesA Full Game 100 Longplay Walkthrough of LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Remastered where I s Detonado Walkthrough Playthrough Gameplay Longplay Wii Full HD 1080p 60fps All story all levels all bosses all cutscenes ending Cutscenes
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Don t forget to search the front walls Starting Characters Harry Maze Task Cedric Maze Task Walkthrough Maze Chamber 1 Blast the bushes around the pedestal to release armor pieces Put them together then zap the armor which will show you the ways to go Specifically go right and then go left This is the 4th part of my LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 walkthrough This video contains two levels from Year 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Guide by Jason Venter The boy who lived has been delighting children and adults for years as have LEGO pieces LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 combines those two pursuits into a sprawling adventure that will find players exploring the deepest darkest reaches of Hogwarts Castle as they act out the events from the first four books and collect a ton of hidden bricks You begin in the Bathroom Hallway M1 4 1 Head right to the very end and follow Moaning Myrtle into the bathroom 2 Tom Riddle s Diary Moaning Myrtle will start throwing stuff at you while hiding inside one of the cabins 1 Use WL to throw back the items and open the doors Once you get to Myrtle attack her with magic 2
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Part 2 HD Walkthrough Out Of The Dungeon YouTube
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 4 Nintendo Wii 2010 EBay
Harry Potter Lego Wii 1 4 Walkthrough Year 2 - You need two vital things to unlock most of the stuff the spell Reducto RE that can unlock silver locks chests and gates and the dark version of Wingardium Leviosa called Crucio CR exclusive only to dark arts characters