Hapland 2 Walkthrough With Pictures A commentary free walkthrough of Hapland 2 Second Quest a new level added in the Hapland Trilogy Steam remaster The Second Quest level of Ha
Here is the game right after it first loads The first thing you need to do is turn on the light and angle it so that it shines on the rocks Next you ll click on the bird who will then pick up a rock 0 00 1 54 Hapland 2 Walkthrough aWalkThroughLife 8 21K subscribers Subscribe 6 669 views 10 months ago walkthrough This is a walkthrough of the game Hapland 2 Play the game
Hapland 2 Walkthrough With Pictures
Hapland 2 Walkthrough With Pictures
Hapland Trilogy
Download Walkthrough For Hapland Game Free Software Trackerwinter
Chapter 1 Hapland 2 Hapland 2 presents a more intricate solution with the inclusion of several deceptive states Within these states meaningful interactions with the level remain possible although the level itself has already been rendered unsolvable Complete walkthrough for the second Hapland game
1 2 3 4 5 Rating 4 7 5 49 votes Platform Flash Categories browser flash foon free game hapland haplandseries linux mac pointandclick puzzle rallen rating g stickfigures windows Comments 312 Views 20 758 Click the underground switch Press the blue right arrow which rotates a wheel under the stairs Clicking the stairs moves them to the right Press the doorbell and the stickman will climb up to a lever Click the switch next to the castle at the top left of the screen Click the light so it focuses on three canonballs
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Hapland Trilogy Light the torches open the portal and become Grand Saviour of Hapland Hapland is a series of three difficult point and click puzzles that were originally released as Flash games in 2005 2006 In each one you have to find a way to open the portal by enlisting the help of the people who live in the world while not getting them eaten by monsters or blown up by landmines Looking for the Hapland2 Walkthrough So you re stuck huh You re not alone Hapland breaks from the traditional game mold in that if you miss doing something in the right order you have to start all over from the beginning It s frustrating but I think it also is what makes this such a great game
Looking for the Hapland 2 walkthrough A friend and I played Hapland an extremely complex but enjoyable animated flash game for well over an hour However we got stuck around half way three quarters of the way through and required some assistance The game is frustrating but extremely rewarding when you work out a piece of the puzzle A walkthrough of the second of three games in the Hapland trilogy Notes This is a recording from the puzzle game Hapland by Robin Allen Download the game
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Hapland 2 Walkthrough With Pictures - Best click score 25 Part 1 Unlocking the underground gate The stickman in the cave needs to get to the door on the right To open the gate in between them he needs to find a keycard The keycard is located in the cannon above the cave but unfortunately it is the last item there