Grand Theft Auto 4 Rated M Rated R for Strong Brutal Violence Language Sexuality And Drug Content Niko s past is discussed at length throughout the game s plot particularly him being involved in the Yugoslav
Again take heed of the M rating Aside from a slightly choppy frame rate at random times where the action stutters for a bit and hard to GTA IV Grand Theft Auto IV is rated M for Mature by the Entertainment Software Rating Board ESRB due to its content that includes intense violence blood strong
Grand Theft Auto 4 Rated M
Grand Theft Auto 4 Rated M
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Summary This is the definitive Grand Theft Auto IV experience iuml iquest frac12 The highest rated game of all time is back in this all new Complete GTA 4 parents guide What is the official rating of the game Grand Theft Auto 4 was rated M by the Entertainment Software Rating Board ESRB This means the 12th
Grand Theft Auto IV has been rated M for Intense Violence Blood Strong Language Strong Sexual Content Partial Nudity Use of Drugs and Alcohol I know GTA IV will be rated M for Mature in the United States for Partial nudity strong language strong sexual content use of drugs and alcohol blood and intense violence This
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Grand Theft Auto IV 2008 is a crime video game set in the fictional Liberty City following Niko a mysterious criminal with a dark past Throughout expect lots of language violence sex and drugs With little more than a month remaining before the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV the game has reached yet another major milestone on its road to release a proper rating
Grand Theft Auto IV means the matureness for Rockstar abandoning though not completely all its insane humor and arcade action this chapter of Niko Bellic captures the essence of the Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto IV has been successfully rated by the ESRB and has been awarded an M rating Reasons for the M rating include Partial Nudity Strong
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Grand Theft Auto 4 Rated M - GTA IV will be rated M for Mature in the United States for Partial nudity strong language strong sexual content use of drugs and alcohol blood and intense violence This