Gothic 2 Valley Of Mines Walkthrough

Gothic 2 Valley Of Mines Walkthrough 160703 Version 0 7 Added chapter 2 area 9 The Pass with 2 entries Added chapter 2 area 10 The Valley of Mines with 19 entries Added chapter 2 area 11 The Castle with 8 entries Added Khorinis and Onar s Farm areas for chapter 2 with 6 and 3 entries Added a very rewarding alternate sidequest into the city C1 2 S2 Added additional

Go past the ice golems and lizardmen This area was called the New Camp in Gothic 1 There are two health boosting elixirs left in the camp buildings First check the chest atop the warehouse You can reach it by climbing the nearest post on the old dam above it and jumping onto the cliff Gothic 2 Tips and Tricks By Tomha A large detailed guide filled with various bits of information to help with your gameplay experience including special secrets tips tricks a glitch or 2 and almost anything worth noting I can continously add to the Guide Award Favorite

Gothic 2 Valley Of Mines Walkthrough


Gothic 2 Valley Of Mines Walkthrough


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Gothic 2 Valley Of Mines Performed By VG Pianist YouTube

Gothic II FAQs Walkthroughs and Guides for PC GameFAQs Gothic II Guides and FAQs PC Home Guides Q A Cheats Reviews Media News Board Jump to Gothic II Guides Full Game Guides Where is Diego Let s find out his position at the Valley of Mines in Gothic 2 This tutorial is meant for beginners Watch the complete walkthrough https

You start this quest at the beginning at Xardas who sends you to the leader of the paladins Lord Hagen in the city of Khorinis To get to him you first have to join one of the three guilds i e the militia the mercenaries or the fire mages Instead of giving you the Eye of Innos Lord Hagen first wants you to go to the Valley of Mines to 1 Entering the city 2 Quests 2 1 Canthar s Favor 2 2 Information for Garvell 2 3 The Experiment 2 4 Lehmar s Ledger Entering the city The guards at the gate will stop you when you try to enter There are several ways to get in If you have spoken with Lester you can pretend to be a herb gatherer You need 10 herbs of a kind to pull this off

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Welcome in this new Gothic 2 gameplay and walkthrough Gothic 2 is an RPG game made by Piranha Bytes in 2002 and the expansion Night of the Raven was made in Gothic 2 Night of the Raven walkthrough English version Episode 5 Opening of chests To the Valley of Mines for a ring of dexterity and heavy militia arm

Kill the demons in Xardas tower for Pyrokar appears after asking him for Jorgen Somewhere on the way from the tavern to the Sun Circle you ll find two women Rosi and Till You can escort them back into civilisation Randolph wants you to get a potion against his alcoholism from Sagitta Sekob s wife went missing Yes No For Gothic II on the PC Valley of Mines Map by N3Burgener


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Gothic 2 Valley Of Mines Walkthrough - You start this quest at the beginning at Xardas who sends you to the leader of the paladins Lord Hagen in the city of Khorinis To get to him you first have to join one of the three guilds i e the militia the mercenaries or the fire mages Instead of giving you the Eye of Innos Lord Hagen first wants you to go to the Valley of Mines to