Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 3 Shootouts

Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 3 Shootouts That s reason enough for me to write this full guide to give you some tips for the shootouts as well as showing you all the shootout holes that you will come across and the best strategy to approach every single one of them

Tour 1 Beginner really All joking aside there are only 4 holes and I found guides for 3 of them https imgur a CyJz8ek Tour 2 West Coast Santa Ventura https imgur a Cyspe Juniper Point There are some holes on White Cliffs Golf Course for example with a 40 or higher elevation for certain shots which means you have to adjust for wind and add 40 more adjustment to what you re doing in order to be accurate

Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 3 Shootouts


Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 3 Shootouts


Golf Clash Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 Tour 1 iOS Android YouTube


Hole 7 Par 3 Eagle Peak Mountain Tour Tour 8 GUIDE TUTORIAL Golf Clash Tips YouTube

Tour 1 Beginner Tour 2 West Coast Tour 3 Asia Pacific Tour 4 6 Star Hotel Tour 5 World Links Tour 6 U S Champions Tour 7 Tropic Kings Tour 8 Mountain Tour Tour 9 Checkpoint Challenge CPC is a game mode in Golf Clash accessible once you have unlocked Tour 3 in the game It normally runs twice a season for between 3 5 days each time and usually features 3 different courses The aim is to win

Aim for the triangular patch of rough to the top left of the bottom center bunker You want to try to hit the top right of the rough patch but just hitting it in general is good enough Next use 2 Part 1 of the Tour 10 Par 3 Shootouts Tutorial

More picture related to Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 3 Shootouts


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Golf Clash Tour 8 Bag selection ball value strategy and overall tips See description below https youtu be MYAg2HZoj6I An Open Source Guide to Mastering Golf Clash

Black Path This is the easiest way to hit a flat surface BUT also the easiest way to hit the rough or a bunker Two bounces will land you near the pin So here s where you will first see some solid opponents so I have written this guide to show you how to win here Below you will find all the courses in Tour 5 with the best ways how to play


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Golf Clash Walkthrough Tour 3 Shootouts - Congratulations on reaching Tour 6 in Gold Clash So here s where you will first see some solid opponents so I have written this guide to show you how to win here Below you will find all the