Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Walkthrough 2 1 Monsters Venus Lighthouse is the elemental home of the Earth or Venus power It rests on the Gondowan Continent s northeastern edge but unlike Mercury the door isn t so easy to find Tunnel Ruins As you go down the stairs from where you left off at Babi lighthouse run south and walk down a set of stairs then through a door
1 Walkthrough Earlier exit portion 2 Walkthrough Later final dungeon portion 3 Walkthrough Golden Sun The Lost Age 4 Enemies 5 Collectibles 5 1 Items 6 Background and Story 7 Trivia 8 In Other Languages Walkthrough Earlier exit portion Golden Sun Guide Start tracking progress Walkthrough Venus Lighthouse Items Location Carry Stone Lucky Cap Enemies Exp Coin Earth Golem 218 183 Gnome Wizard 219 176
Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Walkthrough
Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Walkthrough
Let s Play Golden Sun 67 Venus Lighthouse Aerie YouTube
Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Remix YouTube
Walkthrough Babi Lighthouse Items Lucky Pepper After Leaving town and entering the Lihjthouse you shoul go to where the NPC workers are climb up the ladder and climb down the ladder to the 1 Walkthrough 1 1 Exploring the one way exit out 1 2 Main dungeon 1 3 Golden Sun The Lost Age prologue 2 Enemies 3 Collectables 4 History 5 Trivia Walkthrough In Golden Sun once you have proceeded east past Suhalla Gate on the game s overworld you will unavoidably enter Venus Lighthouse s icon on the overworld
Here is the guide for going South Once you get into the room after the stepping stones you will see a pillar with water in it and a path leading to a water drop Push the pillar onto the water drop to make another pillar come up Hop across this pillar to the ledge on the west Venus Lighthouse Part 1 When you get close to Venus lighthouse you will get out of the world map and into the Venus Lighthouse entrance Head past all of the downed guards you don t need to read what they say and keep going along the path until you get to Venus Lighthouse
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Table of Contents Next Venus Lighthouse Part 3 Go through the Babi Lighthouse entrance to the tower Now keep making your way through the tower using the guide earlier in this game For the most part you re going to have to re do all of the puzzles in the tower 2024 Google LLC We first take path 2 in the Tunnel Ruins which isn t much with the help of a simple Retreat spell Anyway after we obtain the Oracle s Robe we dive into
Go through the door and there will be a treasure chest which contains an Herb Now go back across the blocks and through the door Back in here go to the middle of the room and go through the door at the south of the room to get into the next room Now go through the next door to the south and then the next to reach the exit of Venus Lighthouse Welcome to my 100 walkthrough of Golden Sun It is an RPG game which was released in 2001 for the Gameboy Advance It remains to this day as my all time fav
Mercury Lighthouse Photo Golden Sun Lighthouse
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Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse Walkthrough - Venus Lighthouse Part 1 When you get close to Venus lighthouse you will get out of the world map and into the Venus Lighthouse entrance Head past all of the downed guards you don t need to read what they say and keep going along the path until you get to Venus Lighthouse