Gen 1 Walkthrough S S Anne 6 Deck 6 1 Trainers All aboard edit S S Anne Kitchen When you talk to the guard near the Vermilion City harbor flash your S S Ticket to him stationed at the docks and you ll be allowed onto the massive cruise liner If you want to get straight down to business take stairway C then stairway E all the way to the Captain s cabin
This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon Red and Blue for the original Game Boy These pages detail the original iteration not Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen The guide for those games can be found here This article is part of Project Walkthroughs a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step by step guides on each Pok mon game To get on the S S Anne in the games players must first obtain an S S Ticket by helping out Bill at his home on Route 25 The S S Anne is accessible from the Vermilion Harbor This luxury cruise liner contains many Pok mon Trainers including several Gentlemen and Sailors In Generations III and VII in one room on the first floor a lady will restore a Trainer s party on hand to full health
Gen 1 Walkthrough S S Anne
Gen 1 Walkthrough S S Anne
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Forgotten Anne Walkthrough Part 1 YouTube
Floor 1 SS Anne Floor 1 On this floor you ll find quite a few trainers as well as access to the basement and second floors At the far end of the western hallway you ll find the kitchen which contains most of the items on this floor Walkthrough S S Anne 1F B1F 2F 3F Unlike in future generations there is nowhere to fully heal your team on the S S Anne You are however free to return to the Vermilion City
PokeMMO Kanto Walkthrough THE LUXURIOUS S S ANNE EP 6 Pokemon Gen 1 Exclusive PandaFire11 Merch https pandafire11s merch store myteespring co When you first get in the boat head down and go into the first cabin the rightmost door of many and fight the Gentleman you find within Gentleman Growlithe 18 Growlithe 18 Lower Deck Now
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You are about to begin the StrategyWiki walkthrough for Pok mon Red Blue and Yellow from the first step of your journey in Pallet Town to the final battle that will prove once and for all who is the world s greatest Pok mon trainer Pok mon is a deep and complicated game and each page is packed with as much useful information as possible 1F Follow the hallway around to the front of the ship and visit the second cabin from the left to get TM08 Body Slam Turn the corner and continue on to reach the kitchen Inspect the three trash cans for any forgotten items then leave the kitchen and climb the nearest stairs to reach the upper floor
Route 1 Viridian City Route 2 Viridian Forest Pewter City Route 3 Mt Moon Cerulean City Route 24 Route 25 Back to Cerulean Route 5 Route 6 Vermilion City S S Anne Vermilion City Gym Route Once the S S Anne leaves Vermilion City it is gone forever meaning that any items you neglected to pick up or any Trainers you did not battle before the ship departs are missed in that
S S Anne YouTube
Pok mon Red Blue S S Anne Map GIF StarFighters76 Neoseeker Walkthroughs
Gen 1 Walkthrough S S Anne - When you first get in the boat head down and go into the first cabin the rightmost door of many and fight the Gentleman you find within Gentleman Growlithe 18 Growlithe 18 Lower Deck Now