Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide Welcome to the South Park The Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide Compared to The Stick of Truth this one is much easier quicker and has no missable collectibles After the story there s free roam and you can go back to all places to finish up missing collectibles
Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the trophies for South Park The Fractured But Whole in the most comprehensive trophy guide on the internet PSNProfiles PSN Trophy Tracking Stats Guides Leaderboards
Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide
Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide
South Park The Fractured But Whole Artifacts Guide
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South Park The Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide The children of South Park decide to role play superheroes but can t agree on a franchise plan and civil war erupts The new kid must again bring balance to the town with his powers of farting and making friends while grabbing an easy platinum South Park the Fractured But Whole contains 40 Yaoi Art Piece Locations Finding all Yaoi Pictures unlocks the Boy Love Aficionado Trophy or Achievement and is required to complete the Scavenger Hunt The Yaoi Project Side Quest for Craig s dad
Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for South Park The Fractured But Whole in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the internet Timestamps 0 00 Intro0 42 Start of guide Things to keep in mind2 05 Change your Difficulty to MASTERMIND or Higher 2 58 GLITCHED QUEST WARNING4 47 Ch
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South Park Fractured But Whole s Ratings Description Is A Real Doozy
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South Park The Fractured But Whole has a total of 36 Trophies 1 Platinum 4 Gold 12 Silver 19 Bronze for a total of 1185 points Below you can find the full South Park The Fractured But Whole trophy list Welcome to MetaGame s South Park The Fractured But Whole PS4 Trophy Guide and Walkthrough Here you will find everything you need to earn your next platinum trophy In this game you can unlock a total of 36 trophies including a platinum trophy The platinum is rather short and easy You will unlock all of the trophies in about 22 hours
There are 36 Trophies to unlock in South Park The Fractured But Whole Of these trophies 1 is Platinum 4 Gold 12 Silver 19 Bronze Welcome to the South Park The Fractured But Whole achievement guide While some of the achievements here can be tricky only one is missable To ensure that you do not have to do a second playthrough of the game start with a black character on Mastermind difficulty
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Fractured But Whole Trophy Guide - Timestamps 0 00 Intro0 42 Start of guide Things to keep in mind2 05 Change your Difficulty to MASTERMIND or Higher 2 58 GLITCHED QUEST WARNING4 47 Ch