Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Walkthrough Augusta Tower 200 Af Key Damir Kolar After the happy ending of Final Fantasy XIII Serah Farron sets out on a search for her sister Lightning who mysteriously disappeared No one but Serah remembers what happened that day underneath the crystal pillar and many believe Lightning died
AF200 Augusta Tower By Damir Kolar AF700 New Bodhum AF300 Augusta Tower Find Agent A left Paradox Agent A s Location right Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Floor 50 Enter the northwest room and examine the terminal for a quest of retrieving a paradox source The Yuel from 400 AF we met at Academia gave us a gem to unlock the spacetime gate Augusta Tower 200 AF We see Caius and try to follow him but get stu
Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Walkthrough Augusta Tower 200 Af Key
Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Walkthrough Augusta Tower 200 Af Key
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Part 65 Augusta Tower 200 AF YouTube
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Eng EP 40 Episode 4 Skyborne Paradise Augusta Tower 200 AF Pt 2 YouTube
The Augusta Tower is a 52 floor high tower located presumably somewhere on It consists of the central lift used to move around various floors Many rooms have rotary properties and computers Rune Bracelet Moistened Scale Delicate Power Wristband Power Wristband Cie th Tear Durable Power Wristband Power Wristband Begrimed Claw After speaking with Alyssa for the first time on the 50th Floor head into the room in the southeast where Chocolina is located and open the well hidden
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Gameplay Walkthrough PC 4K 60FPS 2160p 60fps the highest quality walkthrough of Final Fantasy 13 2 is here enjoy my massive 4K series of FF13 2 I will play We go through the somewhat confusing towers of the Augusta Tower 300 AF in search of the Access Key 50 to continue through 200 AF Skype auroravirus Ask to
More picture related to Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Walkthrough Augusta Tower 200 Af Key
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FINAL FANTASY XIII 2 Walkthrough Part 26 Augusta Tower 200 Part 3 3 BOSS Proto Fal Cie Adam
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Use Time Reversal on AF200 Augusta Tower timeline and proceed to the place of the boss encounter When you begin the battle the words PARADOX SCOPE appear on screen and you will fight a stronger version of the boss Defeat it for the paradox ending 04 08 Nab the AF200 AUGUSTA TOWER FRAGMENT Proto fal Cie Adam Fragment 01 04 The third area of the fourth Final Fantasy XIII 2 episode is Augusta Tower 200 AF Even if you get here after you visit Augusta Tower 300 AF it is important not to confuse these two zone because the action in Augusta Tower 200 AF takes place in a different period In the following Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Episode 4 Augusta Tower 200 AF we explain how to complete this
Our game guide for Final Fantasy XIII 2 features an in depth walkthrough covering equipment monsters abilities and more Main Story Walkthrough Augusta Tower 200 AF The biggest key to AUGUSTA TOWER 200 AF Fragment 1 Proto Fal cie Adam Fragment Received upon killing the Proto Fal cie for the final time as part of the storyline Fragment 2 Idea Circuit This
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Part 59 Augusta Tower 200 AF YouTube
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 6 Augusta Tower 300 AF Yaschas Massif 01X AF
Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Walkthrough Augusta Tower 200 Af Key - We go through the somewhat confusing towers of the Augusta Tower 300 AF in search of the Access Key 50 to continue through 200 AF Skype auroravirus Ask to