Final Fantasy 13 2 Yaschas Massif 100 Af Walkthrough AF100 Yaschas Massif Post Game Walkthrough Final Fantasy XIII 2 Gamer Guides Go to the encampment in The Paddraean Archaeopolis and examine the red sphere for a quest Go to The Pass of Paddra and all the way to the eastern Get Premium Signup Login Menu Guides Maps Databases Reviews Upgrade to Premium Subscribe on YouTube
Still trying to find clues of this Augusta Tower Access Key 50 I find a Temporal Rift here in Yaschas Massif and solved the anomaly The Hands of Time Af 1 answer How do I solve hand of time with 6 yaschas 110 or 110 Side Quest X360 1 answer Red Orbs in Yaschas Massif 10AF what are they for Main Quest PS3 2 answers How to unlock a gate
Final Fantasy 13 2 Yaschas Massif 100 Af Walkthrough
Final Fantasy 13 2 Yaschas Massif 100 Af Walkthrough
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Yaschas Massif 01X AF Fragments 1 2 YouTube
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 5 Yaschas Massif 01X AF Sunleth Waterscape
AF100 Yaschas Massif Part 2 Post Game Walkthrough Final Fantasy XIII 2 Gamer Guides Post Game AF100 Yaschas Massif 43 AF400 Sunleth Waterscape 44 AF005 Bresha Ruins 45 AF300 Bresha Ruins 46 AF005 Bresha Ruins Part 2 47 AF01X Yaschas Massif 48 AF010 Yaschas Massif 49 AF01X Yaschas Massif Part 2 50 AF110 Yaschas Massif 51 Yaschas Massif 100 AF for the Graviton Core Epsilon Also completed the quest Helmwige s Nightshade finding a picture frame of memories for him Also fo
Final Fantasy XIII 2 End Game Walkthrough Part 17 Yaschas Massif 100AF This area contains tons of Fragments that require very little effort on your part to obtain For this reason Yaschas Massif 100AF makes for a great spot to go and relax after a particularly arduous series of boss battles or other such side quests A spacetime distortion will appear at the Paddrean Archeopolis so go there and access the Temporal Rift where you ll encounter a Hands of Time puzzle To fix the anomaly you must erase all the
More picture related to Final Fantasy 13 2 Yaschas Massif 100 Af Walkthrough
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Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Part 12 Yaschas Massif 110 AF Exploration And Fragments YouTube
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 6 Augusta Tower 300 AF Yaschas Massif 01X AF
Defeat the Immortal for this fragment 3 2 15 Ugallu Fragment Location Yaschas Massif 110 AF CP 2000 CP After completing the three red orb quests and the distortion quest in Yaschas Massif 110 AF a new distortion will appear Visit it to reveal Ugallu s location Defeat it to obtain the fragment 3 2 16 Exploration Academia 400 AF Graviton Core DeltaYaschas Massif 100 AFGraviton Core EpsilonWild ArtifactFinal Fantasy XIII 2 is the direct sequel to Final Fant
In order to reach Yaschas Massif 100 AF you ll need to use a Wild Artefact on the gate in the New Town part of Academia 400 AF Once you ve arrived grab a Red Chocobo and head south to By Shawn S published 15 February 2012 With 160 fragments to be found this Final Fantasy may never end Unless you have our guide Comments Page 4 of 8 Page 4 YASCHAS MASSIF AF 010
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Part 11 Episode 3A Yaschas Massif 01X AF The Void
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Part 8 Episode 3A Yaschas Massif 010 AF 2 2 YouTube
Final Fantasy 13 2 Yaschas Massif 100 Af Walkthrough - HTG Jeremy shows you how to get the non story related fragments in Yaschas Massif 100 AF Follow the video to find the fragments and use the links at th