Final Fantasy 13 2 Academia 500 Af Walkthrough 227 31K views 11 years ago Update June 2021 Since this video is helping so many people NINE freaking years later I am planning on making an HD version update at a later date using the PC version
From the start go south and pry open the treasure cube withthe Determination Gate Seal unlocks Time Reversal in AF700 Dying World then go north turn east and check out the treasure sphere for a then examine the Cactuar stone to make a checkpoint in case you fall through a gap you restart at the last Cactuar stone you checked On to Academia AF500 Right so What comes next is a very very complicated level with a lot of things you will need to do to do everything that you need to do here You will be facing some of the most powerful monsters in the game so far more powerful than you faced before save for perhaps Long Gui and you will very likely be dying
Final Fantasy 13 2 Academia 500 Af Walkthrough
Final Fantasy 13 2 Academia 500 Af Walkthrough
Academia 500 AF Frags 124 160 Walkthrough 29
Academia 500 AF Frags 124 160 Walkthrough 30
Our Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Final Episode Academia 500 AF explains how to complete Academia 500 AF and the final episode featured in Final Fantasy XIII 2 Academia 500 AF is the zone you must explore after you complete New Bodhum 700 AF and as most regions included in the game it is well known by players since it was visited Part 1 A quick selection of videos showing the correct route you need to take to get from the start of the Academia to the end Keep an eye on the panels and regularly check your map and you
The Last Episode Promised EternityAcademia 500 AFThe Promised Future The Ark Promise Keeper Achievement Trophy Turned your back on empty dreams and Fragment 1 Proto Fal cie Adam Fragment Received upon killing the Proto Fal cie for the final time as part of the storyline Fragment 2 Idea Circuit This quest is started in the room in
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Monsters Encountered in Academia 500 AF 21 shown Rare monsters are hard to find in random encounters unique monsters are only encountered during one time plot encounters the final bosses must be defeated to complete the main plot note that multiple monsters may have the same name especially in the case of multi stage bosses Start Episode 3 Part 2 in Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF Threat Facer Bronze 15 Start Episode 4 in Academia 400 AF Sooth Seeker Bronze 15 Start Episode 5 in The Void Beyond after Academia 4XX AF Promise Keeper Bronze 15 Start Episode 6 in Academia 500 AF Epic Finisher Gold 90 Complete the game by defeating the final boss
Our game guide for Final Fantasy XIII 2 features an in depth walkthrough covering equipment monsters abilities and more let s get ready for the final episode in Academia 500 AF Main Story Svarog Amanojaku Notsugo They spawn in several areas but the best place to find them is in the tunnels by the south west gate Just keep running circles around the gate until you ve collected them
Academia 500 AF Final Fantasy XIII 2 Guide IGN
Final Fantasy XIII 2 Walkthrough Part 84 Academia 4XX AF YouTube
Final Fantasy 13 2 Academia 500 Af Walkthrough - Final Fantasy XIII 2 PlayStation 3 I need to Librascope the monsters at the end of Academia 500AF Proto Behemoth and his crew so I was wondering if anyone could tell me the quickest way to get from beginning to end ignoring the treasures