Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough Matoya S Cave Gameplay details Items Jolt Tonic reward Quests Bringing Matoya the Crystal Eye Tceles Nottub Hsad Swish swish aroo Matoya s brooms Matoya s Cave is a location in the original Final Fantasy It is the abode of the witch Matoya and is located northeast of Cornelia
Explore the City of Pravoka Matoya s Cave Now that the bridge is fixed and Cornelia is at peace you can explore the land north of Cornelia Before you continue the story in Pravoka head north to find Matoya s Cave Matoya s Cave Final Fantasy I Walkthrough Matoya s Cave 1 2 3 Chapter 2 Ahoy Landlubbers
Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough Matoya S Cave
Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough Matoya S Cave
Final Fantasy I Matoya s Cave And The City Of Pravoka VGKAMI
Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough Longplay PSP Part 1 3 YouTube
23 18 3 10 5 4 2 7 4 4 3 3 3 2 Award Favorite Introduction This guide is based on the reference classes Warrior Thief White Mage and Black Mage Only first easiest appearance of Monsters will be listed in the guide repeats might be mentioned but only for rare encounters Matoya s Cave is a location that makes its first and main appearance in the game Final Fantasy As the name implies Matoya s Cave is the home of Matoya and it is located north of the drawbridge It is where the Warriors of Light can obtain the Jolt Tonic if they give the Crystal Eye to Matoya
Matoya s Cave Treasure hunting optional While Matoya s Cave has three treasure chests you can loot you ll only find a PURE and 2 HEALs Not very exciting but again free loot is free loot So if you choose to loot these treasure chests run from every battle you encounter on the way to Matoya s Cave 3 Matoya and Pravoca If you continue heading north rather than east you ll come across a strange cave in a rock wall This is Matoya s Cave home to the witch Matoya She is blind because she s lost her Crystal Eye You can find a few good items here including a couple Potion s and one Antidote
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Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough Part 1 Welcome to Final Fantasy 1 played on Final Fantasy Origins for the Ps1 After Matoya s Cave head east and you ll eventually come across the town of Pravoca The enemies take a small jump up in level on your way to Pravoca too so be sure you re prepared with enough Potions Sleeping Bags and Cure spells Page 1 With GARLAND defeated the King erects a bridge leading to Pravoka and Matoya s Cave The Mystic KEY The CROWN and the Mystic KEY Page 5 Trade the CRYSTAL for the HERB and use it to revive the Elf Prince and finally obtain the mystic KEY Matoya s Cave Sprite Treasures 4 Value 98 G Rare HERB
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Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough Matoya S Cave - 23 18 3 10 5 4 2 7 4 4 3 3 3 2 Award Favorite Introduction This guide is based on the reference classes Warrior Thief White Mage and Black Mage Only first easiest appearance of Monsters will be listed in the guide repeats might be mentioned but only for rare encounters