Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4 Moonflow Chapter 4 Walkthrough Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Gamer Guides PublishedTitleEditor s Choice Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Walkthrough Moonflow Guide Info Favorite By Damir Kolar None Barbuta Weakness to Lightning None Chocobo None Flan Blanco Weakness to Fire None Shell Shocker
Chapter 4 Airship 59 6 Rest Watch two spheres Speak to Paine Commsphere Network 61 4 This section is very tedious and can very easily cost you the 100 and perfect ending if you miss Thunder Plains Chapter 4 Walkthrough Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Gamer Guides Bevelle First Visit 55 Calm Lands 56 Mt Gagazet 57 Zanarkand 58 Besaid 59 Kilika 60 Bevelle Second Visit 61 Djose Mission 62 Chapter 4 Sectional Flowchart 63 Aboard the Celsius 64 The Optional CommSphere Scenes Part 1 65 Moonflow 66
Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4
Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4
Ffx Www go2tutor
FFX 2 Girls By LuminaraLynn On DeviantArt
Final Fantasy X 2 Guide Chapter Four Sidequests By Precocious Turtle IGN GameGuides Hector Madrigal 1 7k more updated Sep 5 2012 Rin s Investigation advertisement Rin s Travel In the first section you can find an Echo Screen x6 on the left side just after the 1st Lightning Tower an X Potion next to the 2nd Lightning Tower and a Glass Buckle near the entrance to the second section of the plains A Phoenix Down x4 can be found right after entering the second section with a Petrify Grenade x2 not far from it to the north
Watcher S Should be taken out first with physical attacks only Entering the Moonflow from the Djose Highroad head toward the Moonflow banks Shortly down the path you will discover that Tobli is missing and several debt collectors have come to find him Continue down the path just past the debt collectors until they address Yuna 1 CommSphere Scenes 1 1 Besaid 1 2 Kilika 1 3 Luca 1 4 Mi ihen Highroad
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2023 Google LLC Game Final Fantasy X 2 RemasterPlatform PS4 ProLanguage EnglishRecorded with AVerMedia Live Gamer 4K GC573Walkthrough Playlist https www youtube Scene Chapter 4 Location Celsius CommSpheres
Scene Chapter 4 Location Moonflow Dear Diary Well Tobli certainly has made a mess of things When we got to the Moonflow there were debt collectors everywhere Return to X 2 Main Page Return to FFExodus Main Page Celsius CommSphere Pt 1 Moonflow CommSphere Pt 2 Thunder Plains Celsius Return to X 2 Main Opening Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Affiliates Scene Chapter 4 Location Thunder Plains ITEMS 2 Petrify Grenade 6 Phoenix Down Turbo Ether 6 Echo Screen 2 X Potion Glass Buckle Haste Bangle Black Ring Elixir Dear Diary As if stress for the coming concert weren t enough when we got to the Thunder Plains we found that a huge fiend had been wreaking havoc
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Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Walkthrough Page 35 Of 41 HXcHector
Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4 - In the first section you can find an Echo Screen x6 on the left side just after the 1st Lightning Tower an X Potion next to the 2nd Lightning Tower and a Glass Buckle near the entrance to the second section of the plains A Phoenix Down x4 can be found right after entering the second section with a Petrify Grenade x2 not far from it to the north