Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3

Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3 Then save at the Save Sphere if needed and head toward the cave During this chapter it is no longer blocked However fiends are running rampant in the cave and several tourists are trapped Talk to the men outside the cave to begin the mission to help save those tourists Calm Lands Travel Agency Chapter 3 Item

Thunder Plains Chapter 3 Walkthrough Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Gamer Guides PublishedEditor s Choice Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Thunder Plains Weakness to Fire Flying Gucumatz Weakness to Ice fairly strong Malboro Strong inflicts lots of status ailments Watcher S Chapter 3 Creature Creator SUPERBOSS ALERT Mycotoxin S SP Mushroom Mi hen Fayth Fragment Daeva M Kilika Aka Manah Aeshma Jahi Tomb M Djose KEEP TILL CHAPTER 5

Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3


Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3


Final Fantasy X Walkthrough And Cheats


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Kilika Chapter 3 Walkthrough Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Gamer Guides Aboard the Celsius Luca Miihen Mushroom Rock Djose Extras Moonflow Guadosalam Thunder Plains Macalania Bikanel Bevelle First Visit Mt Gagazet Zanarkand Besaid Kilika Bevelle Second Visit Djose Mission Chapter 4 Sectional Flowchart Aboard the Celsius Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five SideQuests Chapter One Sidequests Chapter Two Sidequests Chapter Three Sidequests Chapter Five Sidequests Up Next Prologue Final Fantasy

Assassin Bee Chocobo Gold Elemental Greater Drake League Mage League Raider League Ranger League Trooper League Warrior Rukh Tends to inflict petrification Can easily slay the entire party if they are not protected against it Skink Watcher A Watcher R Watcher S Before Djose becomes a Hotspot Affiliates Scene Chapter 3 Location Calm Lands ITEMS Sprint Shoes 3 Ether 3 Mega Phoenix White Ring Blue Ring Lightning Gleam Wall ring 2 Hi Potion Star Bracer Dear Diary When we got to the Calm Lands we discovered that the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth was having a fiend problem too Not only did we have to clear out the place but

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Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Walkthrough Page 35 Of 41 HXcHector

Chapter Three Sidequests By Precocious Turtle IGN GameGuides Hector Madrigal 1 7k more updated Oct 29 2014 Luca advertisement The moment you get to Luca a cutscene will occur Seems Affiliates Scene Chapter 3 Location Djose Temple ITEMS Remedy Stamina Spring Wrist Band Dear Diary The trip to Djose Temple has to be the most trippy experience I ve had so far It all started whent the Gullwings answered the distress call from Djose Temple Apparently they weren t doing as well with the fiends as they thought they were

Yevon Striker After arriving via the airship navigation panel jump on to the two boats near the Save Sphere Each has a chest Open these for Ether and Mana Tablet x2 Jump back on the dock and up to the bridge that connects the two sides Near the middle of the bridge you can find a Antidote x3 Keep going across the bridge to the end Objective Liberate the temple Unlock Becomes available after witnessing the meeting between Gippal Baralai and Nooj in Bevelle which can only happen after completing the Protect Besaid Temple and Pest Control Missions Reward Unwavering Guard Garment Grid Crimson Sphere 2 and Crimson Sphere 3 Location Djose Temple Non compulsory Missions


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Ffx 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3 - Staff Openings Affiliates Scene Chapter 3 Location Kilika ITEMS Turbo Ether 2 Mana Tablet 3 Antidote 3 Eye Drops 2 Phoenix Down 2 Light Curtain 3 Holy Water Star Curtain 2 Lunar Curtain Dear Diary After getting the alert of trouble in Kilika we headed to the docks After picking up a few items we went to Dona s house