Ffx 2 Chapter 5 Djose Temple Walkthrough Ps4

Ffx 2 Chapter 5 Djose Temple Walkthrough Ps4 Djose Chapter 5 Walkthrough Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Gamer Guides Sectional Flowchart 71 Aboard the Celsius 72 Besaid 73 Kilika 74 Luca 75 Miihen 76 Mushroom Rock 77 Mushroom Rock Youth League 78 The Den of Woe 79 Djose 80 Moonflow 81 Guadosalam 82 Thunder Plains 83 Thunder Plains Dungeon Raid 84 Macalania 85 Bikanel 86

Dark Yojimbo s temple is the hardest while Besaid and Kilika are the easiest It s possible to return to the ship one more time after the first three boss battles This will allow you to explore Location Djose Temple Moonflow ITEMS 4 Phoenix Down 2 X Potion 2 Remedy Mana Spring Soul Spring Dear Diary Well it looks like the Al Bhed s work is paying off They ve got their battle machine up and running We hadn t done too many digs at the Bikanel so when we fought it it was a lower level However they challenged us to upgrade it to level 5 and beat it again

Ffx 2 Chapter 5 Djose Temple Walkthrough Ps4


Ffx 2 Chapter 5 Djose Temple Walkthrough Ps4


30 Ffx 2 Djose Temple Chapter 5 AdnanOaklen


30 Ffx 2 Djose Temple Chapter 5 AdnanOaklen

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Final Fantasy X 2 is set in the fictional world of Spira consisting of one large landmass divided into three subcontinents surrounded by small tropical isl

Walkthrough Act 1 Djose Djose Highroad Save your game using the nearby Save Sphere Note It s possible that your Kimahri has access to Steal if he does use it liberally as it allows The sidequests in Chapter 5 tie up all of the loose ends in the story of Final Fantasy X Everything from Wakka and Lulu having a child to the battle of the Cactaur Nation is covered here Since

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30 Ffx 2 Djose Temple Chapter 5 AdnanOaklen


30 Ffx 2 Djose Temple Chapter 5 AdnanOaklen


30 Ffx 2 Djose Temple Chapter 5 AdnanOaklen

This guide was created to ensure you get 100 in this game Since the game is broken up into chapters it is crucial you have the correct percentages before Chapter 5 Zanarkand IMPORTANT TO DO THIS FIRST BECAUSE OF NASTY BUG 77 6 Complete episode if you don t get Episode Complete you messed up in the Commsphere Network section Play Blitzball once just to see how shit it is compared to FFX s Complete episode if you didn t get RIkku chocobo eater or Calli you fucked up Beat weak

Affiliates Scene Chapter 5 Location Farplane Dear Diary Finally it came time to choose our path down to the Farplane When we d decided we spoke to Brother and headed down Note There are five Road to the Farplane s you can take Once you start down the path you will not reach a save point until you get to the Farplane Glen and there Bright Bangle 4 000 Gil Ability Spheres x4 Ether Remedy Mega Phoenix Switch Hitter NPC Gifts Halberd Variable Steel Soft Ring Ether Mega Potion Hi Potion Potion Return Rewards Fortune Sphere Magic Defense Sphere Evasion Sphere You re not quite to Djose Temple yet There s a short road you need to travel along


Final Fantasy X 2 HD Remaster Chapter 5 Djose Temple BOSS Experiment Part 84 Walkthrough YouTube


Ffx 2 Djose Temple Chapter 5 SorachaGianni

Ffx 2 Chapter 5 Djose Temple Walkthrough Ps4 - Extra Quest 0 8 Chapter 5 Zanarkand As a huge note there was a glitch present in the original FFX 2 wherein leaving this area for last for whatever reason would prevent you from getting Episode Complete and thus 100 completion game wide here so seriously consider doing it first while I don t know if it exists in FFX 2 HD I am