Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 3 White Seed Ship Location Finding the White SeeD Ship can be a pain From Edea s house though it can be found directly north and just a little bit to the east The ship is located in a little bay surrounded on all sides by mountainous terrain Use the screenshot below and the map to help you find it After you have boarded the ship and spoke with the White SeeD Leader
White SeeD Ship Items Timber Maniacs Weapons Monthly July Edea Card Rename Card Shiva Card Leave Balamb Garden and head for Edea s House at the tip of the Cape of Good Hope southwest of the The White SeeD Ship Back in the real world return to Edea s House to ask her about the White SeeD Ship She will give you a hint as to its whereabouts along with a letter of introduction Return to Balamb Garden and head north You ll find the White SeeD Ship in the area of sea surrounded by the northern part of the Centra continent
Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 3 White Seed Ship Location
Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 3 White Seed Ship Location
Where Is The White SeeD Ship Final Fantasy 8 YouTube
FF8 Finding The White Seed Ship YouTube
Walkthrough Disc 3 Please note that the following walkthrough sections are full of spoilers Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game Meeting with Headmaster Cid and Edea at Edea s House Laguna in the Trabia Canyon battling against a Red Dragon Tracking down the White SeeD Ship to find Ellone GF Junctioning Squall Ifrit Quezacotl Cerberus Alexander Zell Shiva Diablos Pandemona Quistis Siren Brothers Carbuncle Leviathan Tonberry Or whomever you choose as your party junction them as you see above The White SeeD Ship is found tucked away in a small inlet of the Centra Continent If you don t know where you re looking
The White SeeD Ship appears in an inlet in the Centra Region on disc 3 You can come here any time but you won t be able to accomplish anything plot wise without a Letter from Edea Once you have it speak to the leader to learn your next destination Esthar In the meantime check in on Rinoa in the infirmary once again You ll end up in Fishermans Horizon on your way to Esthar Use the image below to locate the White SeeD Ship Simply drive Balamb Garden into the ship to enter it There ll be a scene then you can talk to people on the ship Head towards the stairs for yet another scene Afterwards ascend the stairs to find a Timber Maniacs issue on the left hand side of the room If you speak to Zone here and have
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White SeeD Ship Disc 3 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides
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Pick up a the Timber Maniacs on the bridge and talk to Thon There s a hidden Holy draw point in the main cabin so empty it then talk to the leader He will examine Edea s letter and tell you that Ellone left already and is most likely on her way to Esthar You ll find yourself back at the garden bridge so have a look at Rinoa Final Fantasy VIII Guide Disc 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc 4 Fire Cavern SeeD Field Exam Inauguration First Mission TV Station White SeeD Ship Esthar Lunatic Pandora Rinoa
Great Salt Lake Your next destination on your was to the city of Esthar is to head to Fishermans Horizon FH but there are a few things that you should complete before you make your way there Firstly make sure that you completed the Combat King 003 Pigtail Girl side quest mentioned on the previous page Combat King 003 Pigtail Girl Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4 Edea s house and White SeeD Ship Esthar the city of wonders Interlude Lunatic Pandora Travel to the Ship of the White SeeDs talk to everybody including Zone and the leader Go back inside the garden have a look at Rinoa in the infirmary
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White SeeD Ship Disc 3 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides
Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 3 White Seed Ship Location - Head to the Orphanage 2 Talk to Edea twice to receive the Sorceress s Letter 3 Control the Balamb Garden and explore the Centra waters to find the White Seed Ship 4 See the White Seed Ship exact location below 5 Head to the Captain s Cabin