Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 2 Balamb Occupied Balamb Disc 2 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Travel back to Balamb and well Galbadia Garden being moored just off the coast isn t a promising sign Sure enough Galbadian occupation is evident and to enter Balamb it takes a bit of effort on your part
Chocobo Forest Side Quest Shumi Village Side Quest Return to the Ultima Draw Point here as many times as it takes to stock up Centra Ruins King Tonberry GF Side Quest At least get this GF before proceeding Centra Ruins Odin GF Side Quest Recommended you wait until Disc 4 Winhill Vase Quest Disc 2 D District Prison Laguna Sequence You will regain control as Laguna There is a hidden Curaga draw point in his room Leave the room and go left down the stairs Talk to Ellone and follow
Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 2 Balamb
Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 2 Balamb
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Story Walkthrough Balamb Garden Chapter 1 FF8 Game8
Front Gate The sequence with Team 2 Squall and his two party members will take place after Team 1 Selphie and her two party members complete the events at the Galbadia Missile Base Start off by making sure that each of your three characters are properly junctioned with Guardian Forces and magic Balamb Garden in Crisis Disc 2 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides Weapons and Cards in Balamb 16 Laguna Dream A Chat with Julia 17 Forest Owls Mission 18 Timber 19 Dollet After Timber 20 Laguna Dream Centra Excavation Site 21 Galbadia Garden 22 Deling City 23 Tomb of the Unknown King 24 Sorceress Assassination Mission 25
Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4 Winhill and Galbadia Prison Sabotaging the Missile Base NORG the master of disaster Oasis of peace Fisherman s Horizon Back in Balamb Trabia Garden to Edea s house Showdown in Galbadia Garden GFs Pandemona Items Megalixir Combat King 002 Action 1 Spread Open change your region to Balamb find Quistis Nida in Balamb Garden but keep decline until they stop asking to mix rules save at FH beside the train hard reset and load game find Familiar Face No 3 to mix rules say yes and quit game for 2 times
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Balamb Garden In Crisis Disc 2 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides
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FF8 Walkthrough PDF
Return to Balamb Garden Disc 2 FF8 Guide Return to Balamb Garden Disc 2 FF8 Guide At the top of every page of my Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough I will have a list of the most important GF Abilities for you to learn as well as my personal preference for who to junction GFs to for this part of the story Next Balamb Town The upgrades to the ship are nearly complete but there are a few more cutscenes that will occur before you can leave Fishermans Horizon FH As suggested by Irvine go find Selphie in the Quad The Quad is located in the north western portion of Balamb Garden following the pink pathway
War of the Gardens Disc 2 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides 3 Zell 4 Selphie 5 Rinoa 6 Irvine 7 Walkthrough Disc 1 Balamb Garden Before the Fire Cavern 8 Fire Cavern 9 Learning Card Mod 10 Triple Triad Before the Field Exam 11 SeeD Field Exam 12 After the Field Exam 13 Quistis in the Training Center 14 The Magical Lamp 15 Pilot the Garden to Balamb north of Fishermans Horizon or head to the southern Centra continent and visit the Centra Ruins to expand your roster of GFs In Balamb disembark and enter the
FF8 Disc 2 YouTube
Balamb Garden In Crisis Disc 2 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides
Ff8 Walkthrough Disc 2 Balamb - Cactuar Farming in the Kashkabald Desert Disc 2 Walkthrough Final Fantasy VIII Gamer Guides Balamb Garden Before the Fire Cavern Laguna Dream A Chat with Julia Laguna Dream Centra Excavation Site Tomb of the Unknown King Laguna Dream The Winhill Patrol Cactuar Farming in the Kashkabald Desert Edea s House