Ff8 Disc 2 Prison Walkthrough 15 Team 1 Galbadia Missile Base Traveling to the Galbadia Missile Base to stop the missiles from launching at Balamb Garden 16 Team 2 Balamb Garden Returning to Balamb Garden amid the fighting to track down Headmaster Cid and battle against Master NORG and transform the Garden 17 Fisherman s Horizon FH
Guides Q A Cheats Saves Reviews Media News Board Guide and Walkthrough PS4 by chris williams Version 1 01 Updated 12 29 2021 Previous Disc 1 Table of Contents Next Disc 3 Disc 2 Boss Battle Biggs and Wedge Level HP This battle against Biggs and Wedge is just as easy as the last one The only way it could be made more difficult is if you forgot to equip your character s Guardian Forces before starting but even then it s a fairly simple fight
Ff8 Disc 2 Prison Walkthrough
Ff8 Disc 2 Prison Walkthrough
Final Fantasy VIII Cover Or Packaging Material MobyGames
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Back in Balamb Trabia Garden to Edea s house Showdown in Galbadia Garden GFs Phoenix Items Combat King 001 Aight Disc 2 starts off with another Laguna sequence So apparently they survived the jump down the cliff Talk to little Ellone and follow her downstairs Updated Jan 20 2020 Galbadia D District Prison advertisement Items Cottage Rename Card Combat King 001 Strength Up Luck Up Tent Go to the Pub and talk to Kiros Patrol the village Go to
Things to do on Disc 2 And once again like on Disc 1 a spoiler free to do list which does not contain any optional tasks or items Winhill and Galbadia Prison As Laguna Talk to Ellone then Kiros in the pub next door Exit the pub walk south play through the sequence and return to the pub to get some sleep GF Junctioning Squall Ifrit Carbuncle Zell Shiva Diablos Quistis Siren Quezacotl Brothers Or whomever you choose as your party junction them as you see above When you wake up and are in control of Zell you will want to speak with Rinoa twice to advance the story forward
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Final Fantasy VIII 1999 Box Cover Art MobyGames
Dingo Desert You will have control of Selphie and her team as you exit the Galbadia D District Prison and will be in the middle of the Dingo Desert in Galbadian vehicle This section of the game takes place after you have escaped the Galbadia D District Prison Note that the vehicle you are driving will eventually run out of gas Final Fantasy VIII Guide Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc 4 Fire Cavern SeeD Field Exam Inauguration First Mission TV Station Galbadia Garden Brothers Assassination D District Prison Missile Base
Contents D District Prison Zell coming up with a plan to get weapons backItems Cards Notable things 1 Indicates a missable By missable I may no Squall Assuming you sent the Queen to Balamb before completing Disc 1 don t rush into Balamb Garden Instead exit and return to Balamb and change her Trade Rule to All it probably changed
Final Fantasy VIII StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And Strategy Guide Wiki
FF8 Disc 4 Continuation Some PUBG YouTube
Ff8 Disc 2 Prison Walkthrough - As aforementioned on the Galbadia Prison Walkthrough a Rosetta Stone teaches a GF the Abilityx4 ability which allows a chracter to equip 4 Abilities at a time The only GF that learns this naturally is Bahamut which you won t be able to get until much later during Disc 3