Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Diamonds Modified 24 8 2010 19 37 02 This section provides lists of descriptions on where to find the diamond briefcases in Far Cry 2 The information contained on these pages is the same as in the interactive maps it s just presented in a more traditional fashion here
A total of 221 Diamond Cases are spread out in the world for Far Cry 2 Each Zone 1x1 km area shows a diamond counter in the top left of the map making it clear how many diamonds that is possible find All the diamond cases you find are marked on the map with a blue diamond icon once found as a reminder ACT 1 ACT 2 ACT 3 Act 3 cont Page 1 Page 2 OBJECTIVE Go to the prison to meet The Jackal The journalist tells about a riot at the prison the same place where Far Cry Dude has been
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Diamonds
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Diamonds
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Part 50 Hardcore All Diamonds All Tapes No Commentary YouTube
Far Cry 2 Diamonds Maps Thinkkasap
INTRODUCTION The currency of Far Cry 2 is rough diamonds and there are 221 diamond cases each containing from 1 to 3 diamonds scattered throughout the expansive African landscape 0 00 25 04 Far Cry 2 walkthrough part 1 Hardcore All diamonds All tapes No commentary FograinDaNoob 8 76K subscribers Subscribe 22K views 4 years ago farcry2 walkthrough
B LEBOA SAKO NORTH See Map hold CTRL when clicking to permit new window Jackal Tape On the bench by the shacks Diamond Briefcases 1 By the big rock on the edge of the pond 2 On the You ll find general strategies for combat weapons and stealth tips a complete walk through of the story missions including alternate objectives a rundown of the optional arms dealer and
More picture related to Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Diamonds
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Part 32 Hardcore All Diamonds All Tapes No Commentary YouTube
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough GameSpot
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough 16 Act 3 Recover Diamonds Kill Commanders Final Mission Two Endings
Only three cities in the country both Leboa Sako and Bowaseko districts Pala Mosate Salao and Sefapane have protected zones red areas on the map in Maps from the offical far cry 2 game guide showing all the diamond briefcase locations jackal s tapes and golden AK 47s HD Quality
6 2 Award Favorite Share Created by Jesus Is My Friend Offline Bird UP Secrets Updated Diamond Cases The only relevant currency in Far Cry 2 are diamonds apparently raw diamonds These are used to buy new weapons from arms dealers in Weapon Shops since the weapons you find in the game rust quickly and jam Welcome in the Far Cry walkthrough You will find here description of available weapons and walkthroughs of the all mission from UFLL and APR You will also find here detailed maps which will help you find all hidden suitcases with diamonds the Jackal s tapes and golden AK 47
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Part 48 Hardcore All Diamonds All Tapes No Commentary YouTube
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Part 17 Hardcore All Diamonds All Tapes No Commentary YouTube
Far Cry 2 Walkthrough Diamonds - B LEBOA SAKO NORTH See Map hold CTRL when clicking to permit new window Jackal Tape On the bench by the shacks Diamond Briefcases 1 By the big rock on the edge of the pond 2 On the