Fallout 3 Walkthrough Springvale School

Fallout 3 Walkthrough Springvale School The Ant Cave Springvale School RandomExtra 14 years ago 1 So I am on my second play through of the game and I was ripping through the school giving the raiders hell I stumbled upon a

Fallout 3 Gameplay Walkthrough Springvale school or Springvale Elementary School is a school in northern Springvale in the Capital Wasteland in 2277 The Potomac is visible Welcome to the Walkthrough section of our guide Here you will find information on getting through Fallout 3 s main quest from your time as a child in Vault 101 to the game s ultimate

Fallout 3 Walkthrough Springvale School


Fallout 3 Walkthrough Springvale School


Fallout 3 Springvale Elementary School YouTube


Fallout 3 Springvale Elementary YouTube

Game Difficulty Very HardCommentary NoneCharacter Build The Mercenary Playlist https www youtube watch v 4td2SqKyxmI list PLb 4t1 03HEcZXthMMDd Location Springvale Elementary School Did we miss anything in this section Is there something we didn t discover Let us know Overview As you make your way through the elementary school you ll encounter lots of raiders to kill and you ll also find some meds to take and some beds to sleep in but only after you ve killed the raiders

We visit school for the first time in this world Enjoy everyone The Springvale school terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal in the Springvale school library in Fallout 3 This entry is also available as the springvale raider mining log holodisk held by the raider leader

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Fallout 3 GOTY Gameplay Part 5 Engaging Raiders At Springvale Elementary School in 1080p HD

How do I get inot the Vault underneath Springvale School I can t find any way of smoking out the giant ants breaking the rock clusters that are blocking the way rfs101 15 years ago report Desolate playground retarded raiders dead children This and more in this episode of Fallout 3 Legends of In the 21st century Springvale Elementary educated the young children of the rural communities of Virginia When not in class the students played baseball in the playground The school was administered by the school board which was a

Part 10 from gameplay footage I captured from fallout 3 PC version Exploring Springvale school leads to trouble Warning Contains spoilers Captured with Never played a Fallout game I remember going into the school near Megaton seeing the little skeletons and hearing the raiders saying they were going to kill me I just shut down the console For some reason your post makes me remember how I used to feel when Fallout was completely unknown to me how fresh and special of a game it was at the time


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Fallout 3 Walkthrough Springvale School - Part 6 Springvale SchoolLocations Springvale SchoolQuests Wasteland Survival Guide