Fallout 3 Walkthrough Getting To Vault 87

Fallout 3 Walkthrough Getting To Vault 87 Vault 87 is a Vault Tec Vault located in the Capital Wasteland in 2277 It is located northwest of Little Lamplight and southwest of Broadcast tower KT8 It is the birthplace of the super mutants and centaurs in the region Construction on Vault 87 began in May 2066 and finished in December 2071 The primary computer system was Cyberbrain v2 3 while energy was provided by a General Atomics

5 2 either talk to the Mayor several times and convince him to let you through the back entrance which will lead to Murder Pass this route has about 10 super mutants inside Alternately find Joseph in the Great Chamber and ask him to turn the computer back on for you hack the password and you can immediately go into the vault s Reactor Vault 87 is only accessible through two methods fighting through a super mutant infested route called Murder Pass or by getting the help of Johnny in Little Lamplight to fix a broken terminal to the vault Accessing Vault 87 is required to obtain the G E C K device for the main story line Vault 87 s main entrance is 100 impossible to enter

Fallout 3 Walkthrough Getting To Vault 87


Fallout 3 Walkthrough Getting To Vault 87


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4 Vault

This is a detailed description on how to get into vault 87 without using Murder Pass SORRY FOR THE LOW VOLUME Detailed walkthrough Enter Vault 87 Depending on your choice during Picking Up the Trail you either have to fight your way through Murder Pass to the vault door and enter or talk to Joseph in order to hack the terminal to enter Vault 87 Find a G E C K Both entrances of Vault 87 lead to the Reactor Chamber From there you proceed to the Living Quarters then the Test Labs

Once in Little Lamplight there are two ways to get to Vault 87 1 Passing through Super Mutant infested Murder Pass if you chose this option you must first speak with Mayor MacCready or Princess to get the gate to Murder Pass open 2 Asking Mayor MacCready about alternate paths will reveal a locked back door to Vault 87 Steps Escort Doctor Li inside the Citadel Ask Scribe Rothchild for pre war computer access Use the Vault Tec computer in the Citadel Archives to locate a G E C K Ask Scribe Rothchild for

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Part 78 Into the Reactor Chamber of Vault 87 Fallout 3 GOTY Walkthrough We finish up in murder pass picking up the second skill book Tales of a Junktown In this episode I m entering Vault 87 through Lamplight Caverns with the help of Joseph and not passing through Murder Pass Cheers

You ll want to have marked the exact map marker for 87 with YOUR marker Run straight to it AS SOON AS the message pops up that you ve discovered vault 87 stop don t turn around run backwards and jump as much as possible to get up over any possible rocks or debris Now we re free to go to Vault 87 We can get into the Vault via The Great Chamber but it s more rewarding to go through Murder Pass Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads This guide is intended to be the ultimate completionist s guide to Fallout 3 Every area in the game covered extensively including all side quests and main quests


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Fallout 3 Walkthrough Getting To Vault 87 - Bhamv 3 yr ago There are two ways to get into Vault 87 via Little Lamplight making your way through Murder Pass or fixing the terminal you found If you ve already made it into Vault 87 though you might not be able to fix the terminal Getting the Vault 87 location on your map requires reaching the front door from outside