Fallout 3 The Pitt Steel Ingot Walkthrough

Fallout 3 The Pitt Steel Ingot Walkthrough 1 1 Quests Mill Worker Unsafe Working Conditions Steel ingots are miscellaneous items found in the Fallout 3 add on The Pitt Contents 1 Characteristics 2 Locations 2 1 Image walkthrough 2 2 Steelyard 2 3 Supply plant 2 4 Abandoned area

This is a quick guide to all the locations of all 100 Steel Ingots in The Pitt s Steelyard with commentary STALK CAEDO HERE Patreon https www patreon The Pitt Walkthrough By IGN GameGuides Hector Madrigal Jon Ryan 6 1k more updated Mar 29 2012 advertisement Fallout 3 The Pitt Walkthrough Welcome one welcome all to our

Fallout 3 The Pitt Steel Ingot Walkthrough


Fallout 3 The Pitt Steel Ingot Walkthrough


Fallout 3 The Pitt


Steel Ingot Locations The Pitt Fallout 3 Goatmoose

Walk on in and speak with her She ll let you know that Ashur is going to be giving a speech in the town square and that he intends to open up an arena for fighting These arena battles with This is a 100 walkthrough for all 100 steel ingots in The Pitt DLC in Fallout 3 I will show you step by step on how to get all the steel ingots in The Pitt

The Pitt DLC for Fallout 3 Locations of all 100 Steel Ingots Give Ingots to Everett and he will reward you with unique items 10 ingots You can collect the All 100 Steel Ingots Guide Want more Check out my channel Wastelanders rejoice This is a quick guide to all the locations of all 100 Steel Ingots in The Pitt s Steelyard with commentary Area Ingots Locations time stamp Steelyard Ground Level 2 Dead servant at Steelyard entrance 0 42

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Three STEEL INGOTS are lying just in the middle between these piles of drums and there are also two Trogs to be aware of Head back to the building s stairs to reach the roof then proceed west and use the ramps to reach a longer walkway leading to another building to the NW 2x STEEL INGOTS can be found in the middle of this walkway Watch 24 51 Fallout Interactive Experience The Pitt unmarked quest Mill Worker Image Icon Location The Mill Pitt steelyard Given by Everett Rewards various see Rewards The Pitt achievement Mill Worker Trophy Found 100 steel ingots Silver 20 Mill Worker is an unmarked quest and achievement trophy in the Fallout 3 add on The Pitt

Fallout 3 The Pitt Walkthrough II Unsafe Working Conditions Continued Part One Part Two Part Three Once you ve entered the Abandoned Area you won t be able to do much in the Watch 24 51 Fallout Interactive Experience For the location as it appears in Fallout 76 see The Pitt Fallout 76 For an overview of the location in both games see The Pitt The Pitt settlement The Pitt Pittsburgh Entrance Signage Overview General Gameplay Technical Leaders Lord Ashur post 2255 2277 Wernher 2277 optional


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Fallout 3 The Pitt Steel Ingots YouTube

Fallout 3 The Pitt Steel Ingot Walkthrough - Fallout 3 The Pitt Walkthrough 100 Ingot Guide YouTube Check out Bas Rutten s Liver Shot on MMA Surge http bit ly MMASurgeEp1Video walkthrough for collecting all the ingots in