Fallout 3 Perfect Character Level 30 Walkthrough It accomplishes this by focusing on getting all your skills up to 100 by level 30 as well as maxing out your S P E C I A L The perks selected in this guide give you the most all around damage accuracy ect It isn t meant to be perfect and is meant to be tweeked to your discretion
How do i obtain the perfect character Doing things in chronological order is very important It is recommended to have the Broken Steel DLC as the level cap is 30 new perks List of Perks What to get What to avoid It is very easy and there is plenty of room for mistakes Chapter 1 S P E C I A L First Walkthrough Before level 30 this Character is objectively inferior to the Classic Build 7 4 9 1 3 8 8 therefore progression through the game until such a point will be less convenient but non the less it is still a capable build just somewhat restricting until Almost Perfect is obtained
Fallout 3 Perfect Character Level 30 Walkthrough
Fallout 3 Perfect Character Level 30 Walkthrough
Fallout 3 Perfect Character Walkthrough Episode 52 YouTube
Fallout 3 Perfect Character Walkthrough Episode 66 YouTube
To launch this brand new walkthrough of Fallout 3 I will show you how to build a perfect character build that will help you stay alive on very hard difficulty In this video we complete Perfect Character Guide Iminyourcloset 13 years ago 1 Starting SPECIAL stats S7 Me P6 Ex EW Lp E5 BG Un C1 Ba Sp I9 Md Rp Sc A6 SG Sn L6 All Do not collect any of the
Beneath each explanation is a summary of important points what skills are governed by that attribute what other traits are governed by that attribute and what perks require a minimum level of Taken this perk your stats will all end up being 10 s Start out with 9 INT to ensure the maximum amount of skill points Here s a short breakdown of how many points you need to get and how
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When you reach level 30 get the almost perfect perk to raise all you S P E C I A L s to 9 Finally go and collect all the bobble heads If done correctly you will have all skills set to 100 along with all S P E C I A L s set to 10 A note do NOT collect the S P E C I A L bobble heads until after you get the almost perfect perk Fallout 3 How to get all Skills to 100 and all S P E C I A L stats to 10 by super sonic 61 a k a sixaxis61 or ForgedByGunFire on XBL 18 1 10
Took care of the ant problem and raised a level now back to RobCo Luck of 9 adds 65 skill points For Luck a stat of 1 or 2 Luck gives 13 skill points one per skill while 9 or 10 give 65 5 per skill Last but not least if you achieve 10 in all SPECIAL stats at level 30 by picking the Almost Perfect perk at level 30 and THEN picking up the Bobble heads or the Ant perk Strength or Perception only
Fallout 3 Perfect Character Perk Guide Part 30 Walktrough YouTube
Best Fallout 3 Starting Stats And How To Choose Them TechBriefly
Fallout 3 Perfect Character Level 30 Walkthrough - FO3 Perfect Character Build Fallout 3 This build is for endgame perfection Perfect 10 SPECIAL 100 in every skill max DR 85 max Rad Resistance 85 with the best perks It relies on skill books with the Comprehension perk but you won t need to collect them all to max DO NOT pick up any SPECIAL bobbleheads until after you reach level 30