Fallout 2 Walkthrough After Getting Geck What to do after obtaining the G E C K I got the G E C K from Vault 13 and got back to Arroyo but you know what happens Hakunin tells you to go to Navarro and free the villagers from Arroyo OK I went to Navarro but now I have no idea what I have to do should I kill Chris and go underground or what Showing 1 6 of 6 comments
2 Answers Sorted by 3 You need to rescue the village as you can t very well give them the GECK if they aren t there Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jun 12 2011 at 14 45 Xantec 3 507 3 21 27 I assume that means go on it will be allright right user1560 Jun 12 2011 at 14 49 pretty much yup Xantec Jun 12 2011 at 14 51 Going Commando lvl 24 with the sniper perk makes a deal of difference but its probably not NEEDED there s not alot of need to shoot the place up and all unless you HAVE to bring your companions
Fallout 2 Walkthrough After Getting Geck
Fallout 2 Walkthrough After Getting Geck
Fallout 2
The Enclave Gamer Walkthroughs
A Brief Tutorial Fallout 2 Hints Fallout 2 Cheats Read Al s Review Map of the Entire Area of the Adventure Arroyo Klamath The Den Modoc Vault City Gecko Broken Hills New Reno The Raiders The Sierra Army Depot Redding The New California Republic NCR Vault 15 Military Base Vault 13 Navarro San Francisco The Enclave Non Player Characters What do I do now after returning to Arroyo I decided to join the BOS and got x01 to see if that went anywhere It didnt I haven t been to Modoc Redding New Reno and a big amount of othef places I also really dont want to sit and watch every single oxhorn video of the game
Walkthrough There are two GECKs in the game one at Vault 13 and one at the Final Base In order to retrieve the GECK from Vault 13 there are three ways One must make their way to NCR talk to Sheriff Dumont standing on the corner in NCR Downtown tell him you re looking for honest work This guide is an attempt to provide a thorough presentation of the things you can do in quests to perform places to go people to eat It is not on the other hand an attempt to compile reams of game data such as documenting every karma point gained or lost because it wouldn t be much fun
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Gecko is a community inhabited by ghouls Its economy relies on a cranky nuclear reactor that is contaminating the local water supply which coincidentally is used by Vault City Details When you enter Gecko go to a bit to the north and enter the building which reads manager s office Walkthrough The nuclear reactor in Gecko is the source of much friction between that community and Vault City The reactor is damaged and is putting out a considerable spill of radioactive coolant into the groundwater in the region People in Vault City are becoming ill due to this
Navarro San Francisco This walkthrough will include information to get the Power Armor It won t assume that you have it until you ve reached Vault City You can still complete all of the things mentioned although it is a lot harder After you ve got the car the walkthrough will assume that you have it 1 Alluboy Oct 8 2015 12 31pm After you ve got the G E C K you will automatically get the last dream scene with Hakunin even if you had time left once you exit Vault 13 You can then keep playing normal like doing sidequests and visit Arroyo for a little surprise or go after the Enclave but I don t think level 9 is high enough
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Fallout 2 Gamer Walkthroughs
Fallout 2 Walkthrough After Getting Geck - What do I do now after returning to Arroyo I decided to join the BOS and got x01 to see if that went anywhere It didnt I haven t been to Modoc Redding New Reno and a big amount of othef places I also really dont want to sit and watch every single oxhorn video of the game