Fallout 2 Vault 15 Walkthrough

Fallout 2 Vault 15 Walkthrough Fallout Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough XP Table 500 XP Reach the command center Contents 1 Areas 2 Characters 3 Loot 4 Notes 5 Bugs Areas Shack entrance Vault Caves and Entrance Living Quarters Command Center Characters Lots of rats The Greater Mole Rat x2 Loot 44 magnum FMJ x40 Crowbar Flare x8 Stimpacks First Aid kit

Vault 15 Back to Fallout 2 Vault 15 is now home to the New Khans They are the remnants of the Khans the Vault Dweller dealt with in the first Fallout game The leader of this small settlement is Darian and he s out for revenge against Tandi the president of NCR Katrina of Shady Sands Vault 15 is a New California Vault 15 can be found nine squares east of Vault 13 Fallout or six squares east Fallout 2 3Inhabitants Vault 15 Squatters Related quests Behind the scenes Background

Fallout 2 Vault 15 Walkthrough


Fallout 2 Vault 15 Walkthrough


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Find the Water Thief Ah you re here good We ve got a problem a big one The controller chip for our water purification system has given up the ghost Can t make another one and the process is too complicated for a work around system Simply put we re running out of drinking water No water no vault Kill Darion Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR We need some computer parts from our old base Vault 15 Problem is there s squatters there who won t let anybody by Somebody has to convince em to let us in or just bring back the parts Up for the job President Tandi Retrieve Parts Gain Access to Vault 15 is a quest in Fallout 2

The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide use dark theme view original Version 1 3 1 Written and coded by Per Jorner E g you could get out of fighting Darion in Vault 15 and then kill him with Super Stimpaks if for some reason you don t feel like fighting his gang Using this trick may prompt unexpected dialogue and cause quests to reset or Fallout Part 2 Vault 15 Many A True Nerd 558K subscribers 5 8K 241K views 6 years ago Fallout continues and we re going to learn how to fight fast as Shady Sands wants some

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What I advise you to do STR 4 END 5 PEC 7 INT 7 CHR 5 AGI 6 LCK 6 Why I advise you to do this First of all the decrease in strength will NOT affect you in any noticeable way unless you Vault 15 Encounter any problems with this walkthrough Have comments Let us know Vault 15 is the easiest way to learn the location of Vault 13 The first thing you ll need to do to gain access to the vault peacefully is talk with Rebecca a woman standing outside her tent who happens to have a missing daughter

This large underground shelter is one of the few vaults whose construction went smoothly and without delays despite additional work poured into reinforcing the third level of the vault to ensure protection against earthquakes 1 Vault 15 Encounter any problems with this walkthrough Have comments Let us know Before traveling to Vault 15 the first time be sure to stop by Shady Sands on your way and pick up a rope necessary for entrance into the vault Vault 15 Areas Cave Entrance where you encounter the giant hole in the ground


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Fallout 2 Vault 15 Walkthrough - Kill Darion Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR We need some computer parts from our old base Vault 15 Problem is there s squatters there who won t let anybody by Somebody has to convince em to let us in or just bring back the parts Up for the job President Tandi Retrieve Parts Gain Access to Vault 15 is a quest in Fallout 2