Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough Walkthrough Eye of the Serpent The following new side missions become available for completion at this point Side Mission The King s Horn Side Mission The Savior s Amulet Enter the Mountain
Objective 1 Jump to the craggy wall at the end of the path then rappel down and drop to the floor below Once you land move forward to initiate a scene where you will equip your firearms Now Shadow of the Tomb Raider Mission 12 Eye of the Serpent Mission Walkthrough on PC in 4K 60fps 1 Enter the Mountain Temple 0 00 2 Find the Inner Strongho
Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough
Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough
0 00 38 55 Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 13 Eye of The Serpent PS4 HD 1080p60FPS Throneful 2 22M subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 397 98K views 5 years ago 1 07 Puzzle 14 06 Puzzle 2This Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough guide will show you how to solve the water wheel puzzle open the Ix Chel Temple gates
Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough The chapter starts with basic navigation towards the temple area you will be fighting a different type of enemy this time Enter The Mountain Temple Follow the Objective 1 Begin by swimming through the underwater cave then surfacing the other side and climbing onto dry land Now follow the linear route in front to reach Cenote After the overview of the
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Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Deadly Obsession Walkthrough 8 Eye Of The Serpent YouTube
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Mission 12 Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough YouTube
419 33 Next The Hidden City return Finding Unuratu in the temple Prev The Hidden City Belly of the Serpent This page contains description of the visit in the Mountain Temple and Cenote Lara visits both places during Eye of the Serpent one of the main missions in Shadow of the Tomb Raider The heroine will have to climb a lot Attach a rope arrow to the highest dragon pipe and turn it so that it s pointing towards you Now turn the middle dragon pipe so that it s facing the opposite direction towards the water
You have to open the two gates of Eye of the Serpent Lara has to deal with this riddle while searching for the Silver Box We have prepared a detailed solution to this puzzle below Note Lara will be regularly attacked by enemies while solving this puzzle In the following description we focus only on the puzzle Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4 Xbox One and Windows PC The Mountain Temple Entering the Eye of the Serpent When you emerge from the temple Lara gets a first look at the Eye of the Serpent a man made island in the middle of the rapids Move to the right and jump over to the climbing wall
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Eye Of The Serpent Guide Waterwheels Puzzle YouTube
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough
Eye Of The Serpent Walkthrough - Objective 1 Now you have emerged from the water continue south to reach a tall cavern that you will need to traverse to exit Jump across the gap to the east and jump up onto the craggy wall