Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 3 Walkthrough A mysterious woman has stowed away on the Dorado Who is she And more importantly when will you get to experience your first pirate raid An old nemesis friend Rourke The Island s Heart is the key to averting a great crisis but Rourke isn t likely to give up the half he holds easily
This page contains all the clues found in Endless Summer Book 3 In Act VII Chapters 1 6 all clues were free The total cost for all the clues in this book is 38 diamonds However to get the full Act VIII bonus scene you have to marry someone so the actual cost is much higher From Chapters 1 to 5 it said that there would only be 6 clues in Act VII but in Chapter 6 there were 2 clues Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 3 Whatdoesnt Kill Us Agony of the Feet Sean s mother Tricia dropped a turkey pan on her foot when he was young Blood from the Mouth Mouse gives Jake a hit to the chest that makes him cough blood Bound and Gagged Sean and Craig are like this on the Arachnid ship until the party rescues them
Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 3 Walkthrough
Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 3 Walkthrough
Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 10 Endless Summer Book Novelty Christmas Endless Summer
Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 9 Endless Summer Book Sorority Sisters Endless Summer
UPDATED Endless Summer Estela centric book guide Book 3 I have consolidated both posts into a single one for Book 3 and have also updated it with new screenshots BOOK 3 Act VII Endless Summer Book 3 Chapters 3 4 Please try to refrain from discussing future spoilers as this may be some users first playthrough Here is the
Getting all the Idols in Book 2 and all the Embers of Hope in Book 3 though that ll set you back 276 diamonds so be ready The final diamond scene in Book 3 is without a shadow of a doubt the best diamond scene in all of Choices so definitely get that 18 Diamonds The Dossiers in Book 1 aren t completely necessary but it does change the Chapter 1 So we re now in book 3 The first chapter can have 2 different starts depending on whether or not you completed the puzzle at the end of the last book and got the secret scene I don t know if any other book has had that much of a radical difference between 2 possible starts that entirely depend on your decisions
More picture related to Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 3 Walkthrough
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112 views 5 years ago This is my Choices Gameplay of Endless Summer book 3 chapter 5 THE ENDLESS WALKTHROUGH We make a shocking discovery when we meet The Endless Thanks for Chapter 3 What Doesn t Kill Us A mysterious woman has stowed away on the Dorado Who is she And more importantly when will you get to experience your first pirate raid Chapter 4 You ve Come Into Your Own An old nemesis resurfaces a new friend is made and the true nature of a ghost is investigated Chapter 5 The More Things Change
The answer 12 No matter which way you add up the numbers it always equals 12 Syn12345 Mar 17 2018 Answers Answer from GamerGuru Thanks so much That is the correct answer I used it I had no idea until I looked at your post Dec 16 2018 00 Answer from Overkill It s 12 Adding up the numbers will sum up to 12 Nov 19 2019 01 This walkthrough is made to assist others in helping them make their right choice for the game Good luck and happy playing Choices that have no outcome on the side have not been explored yet please help this page by contributing those answers A White long blonde hair blue eyed female A Black short black haired brown red eyed female
Endless Summer Book 3
Endless Summer Book 3 Ship Artwork Endless Summer Book Adventure Games
Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 3 Walkthrough - Chapter 1 So we re now in book 3 The first chapter can have 2 different starts depending on whether or not you completed the puzzle at the end of the last book and got the secret scene I don t know if any other book has had that much of a radical difference between 2 possible starts that entirely depend on your decisions