Emergency 4 Walkthrough Part 1

Emergency 4 Walkthrough Part 1 Walkthrough for Emergency 4 pagetitle Collapse of a crane on a church Recommended Units 1 Equipment vehicle RW with 2 normal firefighters 1 Ambulance with 1 paramedic without doctor 1 Ambulance with 1 paramedic and 1 doctor Walkthrough Send your units to the front of the church

Sting on drugs cartel Religious Fanatics Organization Headquarters Level 7 Emergency 4 Walktrough Missions Guides WARNING THE WALKTHROUGH IS NOT COMPLETE If there are multiple casualties within proximity to a hazard either secure the area or arrange transport before the medical units can take them Do not leave any fire unchecked Emergency 4 Global Fighters for Life 911 First Responders Mission 1 100 Walkthrough Expand the description for more details Support my w

Emergency 4 Walkthrough Part 1


Emergency 4 Walkthrough Part 1


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Emergency Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 Game Link https store steampowered app 850170 EMERGENCY Join this channel to get access to perks https www y Walkthrough for Emergency 4 Posted by Stan on Jul 25 2012 09 26 PM Collapse of a crane on a church Recommended Units 1 Equipment vehicle RW with 2 normal firefighters 1 Ambulance with 1 paramedic without doctor 1 Ambulance with 1 paramedic and 1 doctor Walkthrough Send your units to the front of the church

Posted November 14 2008 This FAQ is meant to answer questions about the EM4 gameplay It consists of the following subjects versions versions available where to buy gameplay issues units not visible on edge of the map shooters shoot each other finding objects under water scrolling the vehicles menu creating a group of units Stuck in Emergency 4 Find the latest cheats trainers guides and walkthroughs to help you in your game

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Emergency 4 Global Fighters For Life is a real time strategy game In North America know as 911 First Responders It is fourth game in series Developed by Sixteen Tons Entertainment Released April 13 2006 It has 20 missions It is much better than Emergency 3 but experience from Emergency 3 is useful Emergency 4 Contents 1 Features In Mission 1 find and access Master Chief s record There is a staircase on your right and left just as you leave the room with the stasis tank Head down the steps to find a computer terminal

Emergency 4 Cheats By Yamamoto Find their other tutorials Share Followers 1 Description Some cheats for Emergency 4 deluxe Cheat Codes While playing the game type fairy to enable cheat mode If you entered the code correctly the message Cheat Activated will appear OBJECTIVE ESCAPE THE BUTCHER advertisement Run towards the end of the hall to trigger a cutscene From this point the detective will have an injured leg Keep moving past the steel grinders and


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